Page 366 - Essential Haematology
P. 366

352  /  Chapter 26  Coagulation disorders

                    contact sports are to be avoided, or undertaken with   like that of prothrombin, factor VII, factor X and
                    extra prophylaxis.                        protein C, is vitamin K - dependent. Carrier detec-
                                                              tion and antenatal diagnosis is performed as for

                                                              haemophilia A. The principles of replacement
                        Gene  t herapy
                                                              therapy are similar to those of haemophilia A.
                      Because it is only necessary to maintain factor levels   Bleeding episodes are treated with high - purity factor
                      > 1% to prevent most of the mortality and morbid-  IX concentrates. Because of its longer biological half -

                    ity of factor  VIII or IX deficiency, there is great    life, infusions do not have to be given as frequently
                    interest in gene - based therapy. Various viral vectors   as do factor  VIII concentrates in haemophilia A.
                    (retroviral, adeno - associated) as well as non - viral   Recombinant factor IX is preferred, but higher doses
                    vectors are being explored. Phase 1 trials are being   are needed than with plasma - derived factor IX to
                    carried out for both haemophilia A and B.   attain the same response. Also the distribution and

                                                              kinetics of clearance differ from the natural product,
                        Inhibitors                            but it is certainly safe and eff ective.
                      One of the most serious complications of haemo-
                    philia is the development of antibodies (inhibitors)
                                                                  Laboratory  fi ndings  (Table    26.2   )

                    to infused factor VIII which occurs in 30 – 40% of
                    severely effected patients, usually within the fi rst 50    The following tests are abnormal:

                    days of exposure. This renders the patient refractory
                                                                 1      APTT;
                    to further replacement therapy. Immunosuppression
                                                                 2      Factor IX clotting assay.
                    and immune tolerance regimens have been used in
                    an attempt to eradicate the antibody with success     As in haemophilia A, the PFA - 100 (and bleeding
                    (at great cost) in about two - thirds of cases.   time) and PT tests are normal.
                    Recombinant activated factor VII (VIIa) and acti-
                    vated prothrombin complex concentrates (FEIBA
                                                                  Von Willebrand  d isease
                      –  factor  VIII inhibitor bypassing activity) can be
                    useful in the treatment of bleeding episodes.    In this disorder there is either a reduced level or
                        Factor VIIa complexes with tissue factor exposed   abnormal function of von Willebrand factor (VWF)
                    at the site of injury and produces local haemostasis.   resulting from a missense mutation or null muta-

                    The process is independent of factor VIII or IX and   tion.  VWF is produced in endothelial cells and

                    is not affected by their inhibitors. Factor VIIa has a   megakaryocytes. It has two roles (see Chapter  24 ).

                    short half - life and therefore frequent doses may be   It promotes platelet adhesion to subendothelium at
                    needed. In the longer term, immunosuppression   high shear rates and it is the carrier molecule for
                    with cyclophosphamide, rituximab, intravenous   factor VIII, protecting it from premature destruc-
                    immunoglobulin and high - dose factor VIII has also   tion. The latter property explains the reduced factor

                    been successful.                          VIII levels found in VWD.
                                                                 Chronic elevation of VWF is part of the acute
                                                              phase response to injury, infl ammation,  neoplasia
                        Factor  IX   d eficiency (Haemophilia B,

                                                              or pregnancy. VWF is synthesized as a large 600 -
                    Christmas disease)
                                                                kDa dimeric protein which then forms multimers

                     The inheritance and clinical features of factor IX   up to 20    ×    10   Da in weight which are the largest

                    deficiency (Christmas disease, haemophilia B) are   molecules in blood. Three types of VWD have been
                    identical to those of haemophilia A. Indeed, the two   described (Table  26.3 ). Type 2 is divided into four
                    disorders can only be distinguished by specifi c coag-  subtypes depending on the type of functional
                    ulation factor assays. The incidence is one - fi fth that   defect. Type 1 accounts for 75% of cases.

                    of haemophilia A. Factor IX is coded by a gene close     VWD is the most common inherited bleeding
                    to the gene for factor VIII near the tip of the long   disorder. Usually, the inheritance is autosomal dom-

                    arm of the X chromosome at Xq2.6. Its synthesis,   inant. The severity of the bleeding is highly variable
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