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354  /  Chapter 26  Coagulation disorders

                    concentrates and recombinant preparation of factors   antagonists. Warfarin is associated with a decrease
                    VII and XIII are available.               in the functional activity of factors II, VII, IX and
                                                              X and proteins C and S, but immunological
                                                              methods show normal levels of these factors. Th e
                        Acquired  c oagulation  d isorders
                                                              non - functional proteins are called PIVKA (proteins

                     The acquired coagulation disorders (Table  26.4 ) are   formed in vitamin K absence). Conversion of
                    more common than the inherited disorders. Unlike   PIVKA factors to their biologically active forms is
                    the inherited disorders, multiple clotting factor   a post - translational event involving carboxylation of
                    deficiencies are usual.                   glutamic acid residues in the N - terminal region

                                                              where these factors show strong sequence homology
                                                              (Fig.   26.8 ).  Gamma - carboxylated  glutamic  acid
                        Vitamin  K   d efi ciency
                                                              binds calcium ions, inducing a reversible shape
                      Fat - soluble vitamin K is obtained from green veg-  change in the N - termini of vitamin K dependent
                    etables and bacterial synthesis in the gut. Defi ciency   proteins. This exposes hydrophobic residues which

                    may present in the newborn (haemorrhagic disease   bind to phospholipid. In the process of carboxyla-
                    of the newborn) or in later life.         tion, vitamin K is converted to vitamin K epoxide

                       Deficiency of vitamin K is caused by an inade-  which is cycled back to the reduced form by a
                    quate diet, malabsorption or inhibition of vitamin   reductase (VKORC - 1). Warfarin interferes with the
                    K by drugs such as warfarin which act as vitamin K   action of vitamin K epoxide reductase leading to a

                                                              functional vitamin K deficiency.
                         Table 26.4   The acquired coagulation

                     disorders.                                   Haemorrhagic  d isease of the  n ewborn
                           Defi ciency of vitamin K - dependent factors         Vitamin K - dependent factors are low at birth and
                         Haemorrhagic disease of the newborn     fall further in breast - fed infants in the fi rst  few
                         Biliary obstruction                  days of life. Liver cell immaturity, lack of gut bacte-
                         Malabsorption of vitamin K (e.g. tropical sprue,   rial synthesis of the vitamin and low quantities in
                      gluten - induced enteropathy)           breast milk may all contribute to a defi ciency which
                         Vitamin K - antagonist therapy (e.g. coumarins,   causes haemorrhage, usually on the second to fourth
                      indandiones)                            day of life, but occasionally during the fi rst  2
                         Liver disease  –  complex dysregulation with   months.
                      synthetic failure of pro -  and anticoagulant
                         Disseminated intravascular coagulation  –
                                                               The PT and APTT are both abnormal. Th e platelet

                      consumption of all clotting factors and platelets
                                                              count and fibrinogen are normal with absent fi brin

                           Inhibition of coagulation          degradation products.
                         Specifi c inhibitors (e.g. antibodies against factor
                      VIII)                                       Treatment
                         Non - specifi c inhibitors (e.g. antibodies found in        1   Prophylaxis. For many years vitamin K has been

                      systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid   given to all newborn babies as a single intramus-
                      arthritis which paradoxically cause thrombosis)
                                                                cular injection of 1  mg. This remains the most

                           Miscellaneous                        appropriate and safest treatment. Following
                         Diseases with M - protein production that interfere   epidemiological evidence suggesting a possible
                      with haemostasis                          link between intramuscular vitamin K and an
                         L - Asparaginase                       increased risk of childhood tumours (which has
                         Therapy with heparin, defi brinating agents or   not been substantiated), some centres recom-
                                                                mended an oral regimen but this has never been
                         Massive transfusion syndrome
                                                                subjected to randomized controlled trial.
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