Page 372 - Essential Haematology
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358  /  Chapter 26  Coagulation disorders

                         Table 26.6   Haemostasis tests: typical results in acquired bleeding disorders.
                                                                            Activated partial
                                       Platelet count       Prothrombin time    time       Thrombin time
                         Liver disease     Low         Prolonged        Prolonged       Normal (rarely
                         DIC         Low               Prolonged        Prolonged       Grossly prolonged
                         Massive       Low             Prolonged        Prolonged       Normal
                         Coumarin       Normal         Grossly prolonged     Prolonged     Normal
                         Heparin     Normal (rarely low)     Mildly prolonged     Prolonged     Prolonged
                         Circulating       Normal      Normal or          Prolonged     Normal
                     anticoagulant                   prolonged

                           DIC, Disseminated intravascular coagulation.

                      Treatment of the underlying cause is most impor-      Table 26.7   Indications for the use of fresh

                    tant. The management of patients who are bleeding   frozen plasma (National Institutes of Health

                    differs from that of patients with thrombotic   Consensus Guidelines).
                                                                   Coagulation factor defi ciency (PCC where
                        Bleeding                               specifi c or combined factor concentrate is not
                     Supportive therapy with fresh frozen plasma (Table   available)
                     26.7 ) and platelet concentrates is indicated in       Reversal of warfarin effect (PCC if available are
                    patients with dangerous or extensive bleeding.   highly effective compared to plasma which has
                    Cryoprecipitate provides a more concentrated   almost no effect)

                    source of fibrinogen and red cell transfusions may
                                                                   Multiple coagulation defects (e.g. in patients
                    be required.
                                                               with liver disease, DIC) (PCC are much better,
                                                               plasma is virtually useless)

                     The use of heparin or antiplatelet drugs to inhibit       Massive blood transfusion with coagulopathy
                    the coagulation process is considered in those with   and clinical bleeding
                    thrombotic problems such as skin ischaemia.       Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
                    Fibrinolytic inhibitors should not be considered

                                                                   Defi ciencies of antithrombin * , protein C *  or

                    because failure to lyse thrombi in organs such as the
                                                               protein S
                    kidney may have adverse effects. Antithrombin con-

                    centrates or recombinant activated human protein       Some patients with immunodefi ciency
                    C may be used to inhibit DIC in severe cases with   syndromes
                    sepsis (e.g. meningococcal septicaemia). Th ere  is
                    reduced activated protein C (APC) in severe sepsis         DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation; PCC,
                                                               prothrombin complex concentrates.
                    and recombinant human APC has been found to
                                                                     *  Antithrombin and protein C concentrates now available.
                    reduce mortality in this setting.
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