Page 377 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 27  Thrombosis and antithrombotic therapy  /  363

                       Thrombi are solid masses or plugs formed in the

                      circulation from blood constituents. Platelets and

                      fibrin form the basic structure. Their clinical signifi -

                      cance results from ischaemia from local vascular
                      obstruction or distant embolization. Th rombi  are
                      involved in the pathogenesis of myocardial infarc-
                      tion, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral arterial
                      disease, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmo-
                      nary embolism (PE).

                          Thrombosis, both arterial and venous, is more
                      common as age increases and is frequently associ-
                      ated with risk factors (e.g. surgery or pregnancy).

                      The term thrombophilia is used to describe inher-
                      ited or acquired disorders of the haemostatic mech-
                      anism that predispose to thrombosis.

                          Arterial  t hrombosis                           Figure 27.1   Arteriogram showing saddle embolus at
                                                                the aortic bifurcation (dotted arrow) and embolus in
                                                                the left common iliac artery (solid arrow).
                        Atherosclerosis of the arterial wall, plaque rupture
                      and endothelial injury expose blood to subendothe-
                      lial collagen and tissue factor. This initiates the for-

                      mation of a platelet nidus on which platelets adhere       Table 27.1   Risk factors for arterial
                                                                  thrombosis (atherosclerosis).
                      and aggregate.
                           Platelet deposition and thrombus formation are
                                                                      Positive family history
                      important in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.
                      Platelet - derived growth factor stimulates the migra-      Male sex
                      tion and proliferation of smooth muscle cells       Hyperlipidaemia
                      and fibroblasts in the arterial intima. Regrowth of

                      endothelium and repair at the site of arterial damage
                      and incorporated thrombus result in thickening of       Diabetes mellitus
                      the vessel wall.
                           As well as blocking arteries locally, emboli of

                      platelets and fibrin may break away from the       Polycythaemia
                      primary thrombus to occlude distal arteries.       Hyperhomocysteinaemia
                      Examples are carotid artery thrombi leading to cere-
                                                                      Cigarette smoking
                      bral thrombosis and transient ischaemic attacks
                      and heart valve and chamber thrombi leading to       ECG abnormalities
                      systemic emboli and infarcts (Fig.  27.1 ).          Elevated CRP, IL6, fi brinogen, lipoprotein -
                                                                    associated phospholipase A  2
                          Clinical  r isk  f actors                   Lupus anticoagulant

                       The risk factors for arterial thrombosis are related       Collagen vascular diseases

                      to the development of atherosclerosis and are listed       Beh ç et ’ s disease

                      in Table  27.1 . Th e identification of patients at risk
                      is largely based on clinical assessment. A number of
                                                                        CRP, C - reactive protein; ECG, electrocardiogram.
                      epidemiological studies have resulted in the con-
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