Page 382 - Essential Haematology
P. 382

368  /  Chapter 27  Thrombosis and antithrombotic therapy

                                                              Dietary protein

                                         Tetrahydro            Methionine
                                         folate (THF)

                                                                           S-adenosyl methionine
                             5,10 methylene        + B12  Remethylation         CH 3
                                 THF                MS
                                                                           S-adenosyl homocysteine
                                        S-methyl THF          Homocysteine
                                                                   + B6
                                         Folic acid           Cystathionine

                              Figure 27.5   The metabolism of homocysteine. Homocysteine is derived from dietary methionine and is

                    metabolized either by the  trans - sulphuration or remethylation pathways.  Trans - sulphuration proceeds using the

                    cystathionine  β - synthase (CBS) enzyme with vitamin B  6  as a cofactor. Remethylation involves the action of
                    methionine synthase (MS) on 5 - methyl - THF with vitamin B  12  as a cofactor. In addition, methylene - tetrahydrofolate
                    reductase (MTHFR) is involved in this cycle.

                        Hereditary or  a cquired  d isorders of       Venous  s tasis and  i mmobility
                      h aemostasis

                                                               These factors are probably responsible for the high

                      High factor VIII or fibrinogen levels are also associ-  incidence of postoperative venous thrombosis and

                    ated with venous thrombosis. The combination of   for venous thrombosis associated with congestive
                    multiple risk factors is associated with increased risk   cardiac failure, myocardial infarction and varicose

                    of thrombosis. If these are persistent they may rep-  veins. In atrial fibrillation, thrombin generation
                    resent a reason for extended anticoagulation.       from accumulation of activated clotting factors
                                                              leads to a high risk clot formation in the atrial
                                                              appendage and consequent systemic embolization.
                        Acquired  r isk  f actors

                                                              The use of muscle relaxants during anaesthesia may
                     These may cause thrombosis in patients without   also contribute to venous stasis. Venous thrombosis

                    another identifiable abnormality but are more likely   also has a higher frequency after prolonged aero-
                    to do so if an inherited predisposing abnormality   plane journeys.
                    (e.g. factor V Leiden) is also present.
                        Postoperative  v enous  t hrombosis
                                                                Patients with carcinoma of the ovary, brain and
                     This is more likely to occur in the elderly, obese,   pancreas have a particularly increased risk of venous

                    those with a previous or family history of venous   thrombosis but there is an increased risk with all

                    thrombosis, and in those in whom major abdomi-  cancers. The tumours produce tissue factor and a
                    nal or hip operations are performed. Elasticated   procoagulant that directly activates factor X. Mucin -
                    stockings or mechanical methods (see p. 377) are     secreting adenocarcinomas may be associated with
                    used to reduce the risk of DVT.           DIC.
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