Page 386 - Essential Haematology
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372  /  Chapter 27  Thrombosis and antithrombotic therapy

                         Table 27.5   Comparison of unfractionated heparin with low molecular weight heparin.

                                                      Unfractionated heparin       Low molecular weight heparin
                         Mean molecular weight      15                       4.5
                         in kilodaltons (range)     (4 – 30)                 (2 – 10)
                         Anti - Xa   :   anti - IIa     1   :   1            2   :   1 to 4   :   1
                         Inhibits platelet function     Yes                  No

                         Bioavailability            50%                      100%
                         Half - life
                             intravenous            1 hour                   2 hours
                             subcutaneous           2 hours                  4 hours
                         Elimination                Renal and hepatic        Renal
                         Monitoring                 APTT                     Xa assay (usually not needed)

                         Frequency of heparin - induced       High           Low
                         Osteoporosis               Yes                      Less frequent

                           APTT, activated partial thromboplastin time.

                                                              enzymatic or chemical depolymerization of unfrac-

                                               activates      tionated heparin. They have a greater ability to
                                                              inhibit factor Xa than to inhibit thrombin and
                                                              interact less with platelets than standard heparin,
                                                              and so may have a lesser tendency to cause bleeding.
                     XI   XIa

                                                              They also have greater bioavailability and a more
                        IX  IXa
                                                              prolonged half - life in plasma, making once - daily
                                                              administration in prophylaxis or treatment feasible
                          VIII               Inactivates
                                                              (Table  27.4 ).
                       PF3  X     Xa
                        Prothrombin              Thrombin
                                                               Heparin (usually LMWH) is routinely used in
                                      Fibrinogen      Fibrin  DVT, PE and unstable angina pectoris. It is also
                                                              widely used in the prophylaxis of venous thrombo-
                              Figure 27.6   The action of heparin. This activates   sis and is the drug of choice for women requiring

                    antithrombin which then forms complexes with   anticoagulation in pregnancy because it does not
                    activated serine protease coagulation factors   cross the placenta. It is also used during cardiopul-
                    (thrombin, Xa, IXa and XIa) and so inactivates them.    monary bypass surgery, for maintaining the patency
                                                              of indwelling venous lines and in some case of DIC
                    irreversibly. In addition, heparin impairs platelet   if the manifestations are predominantly vaso -

                    function.                                  occlusive. There is some evidence that LMWH (or
                       Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) prepa-  warfarin) may improve the survival in cancer

                    rations (MW 2000 – 10  000) are produced by   patients over and above the protection from venous
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