Page 387 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 27  Thrombosis and antithrombotic therapy  /  373

                      thrombosis but the exact mechanisms, types of     It is now the treatment of choice for preventing
                      cancer improved and optimum treatment regimens   or treating DVT and the preferred treatment for PE
                      remain to be elucidated.                  and unstable angina. Although routine monitoring
                                                                is not required, measurement of anti - Xa peak levels
                                                                4 hours after injection allows dose adjustment in
                                                                selected patients (e.g. in pregnancy, renal failure,
                          Administration and  l aboratory  c ontrol   gross obesity and in children).  Typical treatment
                                                                regimens are 200 anti - Xa units/kg once daily or 100
                          Standard  h eparin
                                                                anti - Xa units/kg twice daily). LMWH is used for
                         Continuous intravenous infusion     Th is provides   the prevention of DVT in both medical and surgical
                      the smoothest control of heparin therapy and is the   patients. It is also the preferred anticoagulant in
                      treatment of choice where rapid reversal of antico-  pregnancy because it does not cross the placenta.
                      agulation by protamine sulphate may be required   Typical once - daily subcutaneous dosage in prophy-
                      (e.g. in surgical patients or late pregnancy). It is still   laxis is 2000 – 2500 units (moderate risk patients),
                      used for treatment of acute PE but has largely been   4000 – 5000 units (high risk patients) and therapeu-
                      replaced for this indication and DVT by LMWH.   tic doses (mechanical heart valves).
                      In an adult, dosage of 30 000 – 40 000 units over 24     It is now mandatory for hospitals in England to
                      hours (1000 – 2000 units/hour with a loading dose   have a policy for prevention of DVT and PE for all
                      of 5000 units) is usually satisfactory.   hospitalized patients. LMWHs are the gold stand-

                          Therapy is monitored by maintaining the APTT   ard pharmaceutical agents but oral anticoagulants
                      usually at 1.5 – 2.5 times the upper limit of the   (e.g. dabigatran and rivaroxaban) may supersede
                      normal value but laboratories need to establish local   them.
                      therapeutic ratios which can be from 1.6 – 2.7 to
                      3.7 – 6.2. It is usual to start warfarin therapy within
                      2 days of starting heparin therapy and to discon-      Bleeding  d uring  h eparin  t herapy
                      tinue heparin when the INR has been above 2.0 on     Bleeding may be because of excessive prolonged
                      two successive days. For acute coronary syndromes,   anticoagulation or due to an antiplatelet functional
                      both unfractionated heparin and LMWH are of   effect of heparin. Intravenous heparin has a half - life

                      benefi t when used with aspirin in the prevention of   of less than 1 hour and it is usually only necessary
                      mural thrombosis, systemic embolization and   to stop the infusion. Protamine is able to inactivate
                      venous thrombosis.                        heparin immediately and for severe bleeding a dose
                                                                of  1   mg/100   units  heparin  provides  eff ective  neu-
                                                                tralization. However, protamine itself may act as an
                                                                anticoagulant when in excess.
                          Low  m olecular  w eight  h eparin
                       LMWH (there are many commercial preparations)
                      is given by subcutaneous injection and, as it has a       Heparin - i nduced  t hombocytopenia

                      longer half - life than standard heparin, it can be     A mild lowering of the platelet count may occur in

                      given once a day in prophylaxis, or once or twice a   the first 24 hours as a result of platelet clumping.
                      day in treatment (Table  27.5 ). Compared with   This is of no clinical consequence (heparin - induced

                      unfractionated heparin, LMWH has a more pre-  thombocytopenia (HIT) type 1). Th e  important
                      dictable dose – response which avoids the need for   HIT, type 2, may occur in up to 5% of patients
                      routine monitoring. Many patients with uncompli-  who are treated with unfractionated heparin and
                      cated DVTs may now be managed at home with   paradoxically presents with thrombosis. It results
                      regular LMWH injections once or twice daily   from the binding of heparin to platelet factor 4
                      according to the preparation. There is a 50% reduc-  (PF4) followed by the generation of an immu-

                      tion in the risk of heparin - induced thrombocyto-  noglobulin G (IgG) antibody to the heparin – PF4
                      penia or osteoporosis.                    complex, which leads to platelet activation, throm-
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