Page 392 - Essential Haematology
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378  /  Chapter 27  Thrombosis and antithrombotic therapy

                         Table 27.9   Contraindications to thrombolytic       Table 27.10   Antiplatelet therapy in patients
                     therapy.                                  with an acute coronary syndrome and in
                                                               those undergoing percutaneous coronary
                           Absolute            Relative        intervention ( PCI ).  (After Lange R.A. and Hillis
                     contraindications     contraindications     L.D. (2004)  N Engl J Med   350 , 277 – 80.)
                         Active gastrointestinal       Traumatic
                      bleeding           cardiopulmonary
                                                                     Drug     group          Duration
                       Aortic dissection   resuscitation
                       Head injury or      Major surgery in the         Acute coronary syndrome
                      cerebrovascular    past 10 days              Aspirin     All         Life - long
                      accident in the past     Past history of       Clopidogrel     All     9 – 12 months
                      2 months           gastrointestinal
                                                                   Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors
                       Neurosurgery in the   bleeding
                                                                       Abciximab     None       –
                      past 2 months        Recent obstetric
                                                                       Eptifi batide     High risk     48 – 72 hours
                       Intracranial aneurysm   delivery
                      or neoplasm          Prior arterial puncture           Tirofi ban     High risk     48 – 72 hours
                       Proliferative diabetic     Prior organ biopsy         Patients undergoing PCI
                      retinopathy          Serious trauma          Aspirin     All         Life - long
                                           Severe arterial
                                                                   Clopidogrel     All     9 – 12 months
                                                                   Abciximab     High risk     12 hours after
                                         (systolic pressure
                                           > 200   mmHg, diastolic
                                                                   Eptifi batide     High risk     18 – 24 hours
                                                                                          after PCI
                                           > 110   mmHg)
                                                                   Tirofi ban     None        –
                                           Bleeding diathesis

                        Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator has a   have a history of coronary artery or cerebrovascular
                    particularly high affi  nity for fibrin and this allows   disease. It may also be useful in preventing throm-

                    lysis of thrombi with less systemic activation of   bosis in patients with thrombocytosis.
                    fi brinolysis.                                 Clopidogrel     Th is  adenosine  diphospate
                                                              (ADP) receptor antagonist (Fig.  27.8 ) is an antiplate-
                                                              let agent used for reduction of ischaemic events in
                                                              patients with ischaemic stroke, myocardial infarc-
                        Antiplatelet  d rugs
                                                              tion or peripheral vascular disease. It is used after
                      Antiplatelet agents are gaining an increasing role in   coronary artery stenting or angioplasty and in
                    clinical medicine. It is now clear that aspirin is valu-  patients requiring long - term antiplatelet therapy
                    able in the secondary prevention of vascular disease.   who are intolerant or allergic to aspirin.
                    Several other agents are being used for diff erent      Dipyridamole (Persantin     )     Th  is drug is a

                    indications (Table  27.10 ). The sites of action of the   phosphodiesterase inhibitor thought to elevate
                    antiplatelet drugs are illustrated in Fig.  27.8 .           cyclic adenosine monophosphate levels in circulat-
                         Aspirin     Aspirin  inhibits  platelet  cyclo -  ing platelets which decreases their sensitivity to acti-
                     oxygenase irreversibly, thus reducing the production   vating stimuli. Dipyridamole has been shown to
                    of platelet thromboxane A  2  . Low - dose therapy (e.g.   reduce thromboembolic complications in patients
                    75  mg/day) has lesser risk of gastrointestinal bleed-  with prosthetic heart valves and to improve the

                    ing and is most commonly used in patients who   results in coronary bypass operations.
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