Page 389 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 27  Thrombosis and antithrombotic therapy  /  375

                          International  n ormalized  r atio    cells, warfarin is degraded in microsomes to an inac-
                                                                tive water - soluble metabolite which is conjugated

                       Th e effect of oral anticoagulants is monitored by the
                                                                and excreted in the bile and partially reabsorbed to

                      PT. The INR is caculated from it and is based on
                                                                be also excreted in urine. Drugs that aff ect  the
                      the ratio of the patient  s PT to a mean normal PT
                                                                albumin binding or excretion of warfarin (or of
                      with correction for the   sensitivity ’  of the thrombo-
                                                                other oral anticoagulants) or those that decrease the
                      plastin used. This is calibrated against a primary

                                                                absorption of vitamin K will interfere with the
                      World Health Organization (WHO) standard
                                                                control of therapy (Table  27.7 ).
                      thromboplastin. The indications and recommended

                      ranges for INR with warfarin treatment are sum-
                      marized in Table  27.6 .                      Management of  w arfarin  o verdose
                          Warfarin crosses the placenta and is teratogenic.
                                                                 If the INR is in excess of 4.5 without bleeding,
                      Heparin is preferred for pregnant patients because
                                                                warfarin should be stopped for 1 or 2 days and the
                      it does not cross the placenta and its action is
                                                                dosage adjusted according to the INR. Th e  long
                      short - lived.
                                                                half - life of warfarin (40 hours) delays the full impact
                           It is usual to continue warfarin for 3 – 6 months
                                                                of dose changes for 4 – 5 days. If the INR is very
                      for established DVT, PE and following xenograft
                                                                high (e.g.  > 8) without bleeding, an oral dose of
                      heart valves. Long - term therapy is given for recur-
                                                                0.5 – 2.5   mg vitamin K may be given. Mild bleeding
                      rent venous thrombosis, for embolic complications
                                                                usually only needs an INR assessment, drug with-
                      of rheumatic heart disease or atrial fi brillation, and
                                                                drawal and subsequent dosage adjustment (Table
                      with prosthetic valves and arterial grafts and in
                                                                 27.8 ). More serious bleeding may need cessation
                      selected patients with the APS.
                                                                of therapy, vitamin K therapy or the infusion of
                                                                fresh frozen plasma or prothrombin concentrates.

                          Drug  i nteractions                   Vitamin K is the specific antidote; an oral or intra-
                                                                venous dose of 2.5   mg is usually eff ective. Higher
                        Approximately 97% of warfarin in the circulation
                                                                doses result in resistance to further warfarin therapy
                      is bound to albumin and only a small fraction of
                                                                for 2 – 3 weeks.
                      warfarin is free and can enter the liver parenchymal
                      cells; it is this free fraction that is active. In the liver
                                                                    Management of  s urgery

                            Table 27.6   Oral anticoagulant control tests.
                                                                 For minor surgery (e.g. dental extraction) antico-
                        Target levels recommended by the British
                                                                agulation can be maintained and mouth rinses with
                        Society for Haematology.
                                                                tranexamic acid given. For major surgery, warfarin
                                                                is stopped to get an INR  < 1.5 and LMWH given
                              Target INR       Clinical state
                                                                when the INR falls to  < 2.0 (except on the day of
                            2.5         Treatment of DVT, pulmonary   surgery) and continued until the INR is  > 2.0 after
                            (2.0 – 3.0)     embolism, atrial fi brillation,   restarting warfarin.
                                    recurrent DVT off warfarin;
                                        symptomatic inherited
                                    thrombophilia, cardiomyopathy,       New  a nticoagulants
                                    mural thrombus, cardioversion
                                                                 Traditional anticoagulant therapy has disadvan-
                            3.0         Recurrent DVT while on   tages. LMWH has to be given subcutaneously and
                            (2.5 – 3.5)     warfarin, mechanical prosthetic
                                                                warfarin requires frequent monitoring and dose
                                        heart valves, antiphospholipid
                                                                adjustment and there is interaction with drugs and
                                    syndrome (some cases)
                                                                      Factor Xa inhibitors: fondaparinux , a syn-
                              DVT, deep venous thrombosis; INR, international
                        normalized ratio.                       thetic analogue of the antithrombin - binding pen-
                                                                tasaccharide of heparin, is an indirect irreversible
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