Page 388 - Essential Haematology
P. 388

374  /  Chapter 27  Thrombosis and antithrombotic therapy


                                   formation                            Fc-γRII

                              Figure 27.7   Mechanism of heparin - induced thrombocytopenia (HIT). Platelet factor 4 (PF4) is released from  α

                    granules and forms a complex on the platelet surface with heparin. Immunoglobulin G antibodies develop

                    against this complex and can activate the platelet through the platelet immunoglobulin receptor Fc - γ RII. This
                    leads to platelet stimulation, further release of PF4 and the platelet release reaction with consequent
                    thrombocytopenia and thrombus development.

                    bocytopenia and thrombosis (Fig.  27.7 ). Typically,   most widely used. Coumarins are vitamin K antago-
                    it presents as a fall of  > 50% in the platelet count 5   nists (see p. 355 ) and so treatment results in

                    or more days after starting heparin treatment   decreased biological activity of the vitamin
                    or earlier if heparin has been given previously.   K - dependent factors II, VII, IX and X. Th ey block

                    Diagnosis is difficult but assays have recently   the vitamin K induced post - ribosomal  γ  -
                    been developed to allow the detection of antibodies    carboxylation of glutamic acid residues of these
                    to immobilized heparin – PF4 complex. Heparin   proteins (Fig.  27.7 ). After warfarin is given, factor
                    therapy must be discontinued. Th rombin inhibitors   VII levels fall considerably within 24 hours but
                    such as hirudin or lepirudin may be used as   prothrombin has a longer plasma half - life and only
                    alternatives and the heparinoid danaparoid may   falls to 50% of normal at 3 days; the patient is fully
                    also be used. LMWH is less likely than unfraction-  anticoagulated only after this period.
                    ated heparin to cause HIT but there is cross -
                      reactivity of the antibody. Warfarin therapy in some       Principles of  o ral  a nticoagulation
                    cases causes skin necrosis and should be delayed
                    until normalization of the platelet count has been     A typical starting regimen for warfarin would be

                    achieved.                                 10  mg on day 1, 5  mg on day 2 and then 5  mg on

                                                              the third day. After this the dosage should be
                        Osteoporosis                          adjusted according to the PT. The initial dose can

                     This occurs with long - term ( > 2 months) heparin   be  ‘ tailor - made ’  using an algorithm based on clinical

                    therapy, especially in pregnancy. The drug com-  variables and genetic information on two genes

                    plexes minerals from the bones but the exact patho-  involved in warfarin metabolism or action, cyto-
                    genesis is unknown.                       chrome p450 (CYP2CP) and vitamin K epoxide
                                                              reductase  (see  Fig.   26.8   ).  The usual maintenance

                                                              dosage of warfarin is 3 – 9  mg/day but individual
                        Oral  a nticoagulants
                                                              responses vary greatly. Lower loading dosage is rec-
                      Until recently there have been only derivatives of   ommended for the elderly or those with liver
                    coumarin or phenindione. Warfarin, a coumarin, is   disease.
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