Page 397 - Essential Haematology
P. 397

Chapter 28  Haematological changes in systemic disease  /  383

                      (a)                          (b)                         (c)

                      (d)                          (e)                         (f)

                                Figure 28.1   Metastatic carcinoma in bone marrow aspirates:  (a)  breast;  (b)  stomach;  (c)  colon; bone marrow
                      trephine biopsies:  (d)  prostate;  (e)  stomach;  (f)  kidney.

                      tumours, particularly mucin - secreting  adenocarci-  factor, most frequently factor VIII, or to a parapro-
                      nomas, are associated with disseminated intravascu-  tein interfering with platelet function.
                      lar coagulation (DIC; see p. 355 ) and generalized     Cancer patients have a high incidence (esti-

                      haemostatic failure. Activation of fi brinolysis occurs   mated at 15%) of venous thromboembolism. Th is
                      in some patients with carcinoma of the prostate.   is increased by surgery and some drugs (e.g. thalido-
                      Occasional patients with malignant disease have   mide). It is most common in ovarian, brain,
                      spontaneous bruising or bleeding caused by an   pancreatic and colon cancers. It may be diffi  cult
                      acquired inhibitor of one or other coagulation   to manage with oral anticoagulation because of
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