Page 398 - Essential Haematology
P. 398

384  /  Chapter 28  Haematological changes in systemic disease

                         Table 28.2   Haematological abnormalities in malignant disease.
                           Haematological abnormality              Tumour or treatment associated
                         Marrow hypoplasia                       Chemotherapy, radiotherapy
                         Myelodysplasia                          Chemotherapy, radiotherapy
                         Leucoerythroblastic                     Metastases in marrow
                         Megaloblastic                           Folate defi ciency
                                                                 B  12   defi ciency (carcinoma of stomach)
                           Red cells
                         Anaemia of chronic disorders            Most forms
                         Iron defi ciency anaemia                 Especially gastrointestinal, uterine
                         Pure red cell aplasia                   Thymoma
                         Immune haemolytic anaemia               Lymphoma, ovary, other tumours
                         Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia     Mucin - secreting carcinoma
                         Polycythaemia                           Kidney, liver, cerebellum, uterus
                           White cells
                         Neutrophil leucocytosis                 Most forms
                         Leukaemoid reaction                     Disseminated tumours, those with necrosis
                         Eosinophilia                            Hodgkin lymphoma, others
                         Monocytosis                             Various tumours
                           Platelets and coagulation
                         Thrombocytosis                          Gastrointestinal tumours with bleeding, others
                         Disseminated intravascular coagulation     Mucin - secreting carcinoma, prostate
                         Activation of fi brinolysis              Prostate
                         Acquired inhibitors of coagulation      Most forms
                         Paraprotein interfering with platelet function     Lymphomas, myeloma
                         Tumour cell procoagulants  –  tissue factor and       Especially ovarian, pancreas, brain, colon
                      cancer procoagulant (activates factor X)

                                                                                      Figure 28.2   Peripheral blood fi lm
                                                                            in metastatic mucin - secreting
                                                                            adenocarcinoma of the stomach
                                                                            showing red cell polychromasia
                                                                            and fragmentation and thrombo-
                                                                            cytopenia. The patient had
                                                                            disseminated intravascular
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