Page 381 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 27  Thrombosis and antithrombotic therapy  /  367

                      adult life. Arterial thrombi occur occasionally.   longed down - regulation of fibrinolysis through acti-
                      Antithrombin concentrates are available and are   vation of thrombin - activated fi brinolysis inhibitor
                      used to prevent thrombosis during surgery or child-  (see p. 325  ).
                      birth. Many molecular variants of antithrombin
                      have been categorized and are associated with
                      varying degrees of risk of thrombosis.         Hyperhomocysteinaemia
                                                                 Higher levels of plasma homocysteine may be
                                                                genetic or acquired and are associated with increased
                          Protein  C   d efi ciency
                                                                risk for both venous and arterial thrombosis.
                       Inheritance is autosomal dominant with variable   However, recent large trials show little evidence that
                      penetrance. Protein C levels in heterozygotes are   lowering the levels reduces these risks.
                      approximately 50% of normal. Characteristically,    Homocysteine is derived from dietary methio-
                      many patients develop skin necrosis as a result of   nine and is removed by either remethylation to
                      dermal vessel occlusion when treated with warfarin,   methionine or conversion to cysteine via a  trans -
                      thought to be caused by reduction of protein C      sulphuration pathway (Fig.  27.5 ). Classic homo-

                      levels even further in the first day or two of warfarin   cystinuria is a rare autosomal recessive disorder
                      therapy before reduction in the levels of the vitamin   caused by deficiency of cystathione  β  - synthase,

                      K - dependent clotting factors, especially factors II   the enzyme responsible for  trans  - sulphuration.
                      and X. Rarely, infants may be born with homozygous   Vascular disease and thrombosis are major features
                      deficiency and characteristically present with severe   of the disease. Heterozygous cystathione  β  - synthase

                      disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) or   deficiency is present in approximately 0.5% of

                      purpura fulminans in infancy. APC concentrates are   the population and leads to a moderate increase
                      available and are used in selected acquired cases of   in homocysteine. Methylene tetrahydrofolate
                      severe sepsis with DIC as well as in genetic protein   reductase is involved in the remethylation

                      C deficiency. APC is also used in selected patients   pathway and a common thermolabile variant of
                      with multiorgan failure and sepsis for its anti -  the enzyme may be responsible for mild homo-

                       inflammitory, anticoagulant and pro - fi brinolytic   cysteinaemia (above 15    μ mol/L)  although  this
                      eff ects.                                 may only be seen in the presence of folate or vitamin
                                                                B  12   defi ciency. Acquired risk factors for hyperhomo-
                                                                cysteinaemia include deficiencies of folate, vitamin

                          Protein  S   d efi ciency
                                                                B  12   or vitamin B  6  , drugs (e.g. ciclosporin), renal

                        Protein S deficiency has been found in a number of   damage and smoking. The levels also increase with
                      families with a thrombotic tendency. It is a cofactor   age and are higher in men and post - menopausal
                      for protein C and the clinical features are similar to   females.
                      protein C deficiency, including a tendency to skin

                      necrosis with warfarin therapy. The inheritance is

                                                                    Defects of  fi brinogen

                      autosomal dominant.
                                                                 Defects of fibrinogen are usually clinically silent

                                                                or cause excess bleeding. Thrombosis is a rare
                          Prothrombin  a llele  G 20210 A       association.
                       Prothrombin allele G20210A is a variant (preva-
                      lence 2 – 3% in the population) that leads to         ABO   b lood  g roup
                      increased plasma prothrombin levels and increases
                      thrombotic risk by fivefold. It is probable that the    Non - O blood group carriers have a higher risk of

                      cause of venous thrombosis with this mutation and   venous thrombosis or embolism than O carriers.

                      with high levels of factors VIII, IX and XI is that   This is related to their higher plasma levels of von
                      sustained generation of thrombin results in pro-  Willebrand factor and factor VIII.
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