Page 370 - Essential Haematology
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356  /  Chapter 26  Coagulation disorders

                    and platelets occurs as a consequence of many dis-      Pathogenesis (Fig.    26.9   )
                    orders that release procoagulant material into the

                                                               The key event underlying DIC is increased activity
                    circulation or cause widespread endothelial damage
                                                              of thrombin in the circulation that overwhelms its
                    or platelet aggregation (Table  26.5 ). It may be asso-
                                                              normal rate of removal by natural anticoagulants.
                    ciated with a fulminant haemorrhagic or throm-
                                                              This can come from tissue factor (TF) release into

                    botic syndrome with organ dysfunction or run a less
                                                              the circulation from damaged tissues present on
                    severe and more chronic course. The main clinical

                                                              tumour cells or from up - regulation of TF on circu-
                    presentation is with bleeding but 5 – 10% of patients
                                                              lating monocytes or endothelial cells in response to
                    manifest thrombotic lesions (e.g. with gangrene of
                                                              pro - inflammatory cytokines (e.g. interleukin - 1,

                                                              tumour necrosis factor, endotoxin).
                         Table 26.5   Causes of disseminated      1      DIC may be triggered by the entry of procoagu-

                     intravascular coagulation.
                                                                lant material into the circulation in the following
                                                                situations: severe trauma, amniotic fl uid embo-
                                                                lism, premature separation of the placenta, wide-
                         Gram - negative and meningococcal septicaemia
                                                                spread mucin - secreting adenocarcinomas, acute
                           Clostridium welchii  septicaemia
                                                                promyelocytic leukaemia (t(15; 17)), liver disease,
                         Severe falciparum malaria
                         Viral infection  –  varicella, HIV, hepatitis,   severe falciparum malaria, haemolytic transfu-
                      cytomegalovirus                           sion reaction and some snake bites.
                                                                 2      DIC may also be initiated by widespread
                                                                endothelial damage and collagen exposure (e.g.
                         Widespread mucin - secreting adenocarcinoma
                                                                endotoxaemia, Gram - negative and meningococ-
                         Acute promyelocytic leukaemia
                                                                cal septicaemia, septic abortion), certain virus
                           Obstetric complications              infections and severe burns or hypothermia.
                         Amniotic fl uid embolism
                         Premature separation of placenta         In addition to its role in the deposition of fi brin
                         Eclampsia; retained placenta         in the microcirculation, intravascular thrombin
                         Septic abortion                      formation produces large amounts of circulating
                                                              fibrin monomers which form complexes with

                           Hypersensitivity reactions
                                                              fibrinogen and interfere with fi brin polymerization,

                                                              thus contributing to the coagulation defect. Intense
                         Incompatible blood transfusion

                                                              fibrinolysis is stimulated by thrombi on vascular
                           Widespread tissue damage           walls and the release of split products interferes
                         Following surgery or trauma          with fibrin polymerization, thus contributing to

                         After severe burns                   the coagulation defect. The combined action of

                           Vascular abnormalities             thrombin and plasmin causes depletion of fi brino-
                         Kasabach – Merritt syndrome          gen and all coagulation factors. Intravascular
                         Leaking prosthetic valves            thrombin also causes widespread platelet aggrega-
                         Cardiac bypass surgery               tion in the vessels. The bleeding problems which

                         Vascular aneurysms                   may be a feature of DIC are compounded by
                                                              thrombocytopenia caused by consumption of
                         Liver failure
                         Snake and invertebrate venoms
                         Hypothermia                              Clinical  f eatures
                         Heat stroke

                                                               These are usually dominated by bleeding, particu-
                         Acute hypoxia
                                                              larly from venepuncture sites or wounds (Fig.
                         Massive blood loss
                                                               26.10 a). There may be generalized bleeding in the
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