Page 367 - Essential Haematology
P. 367

Chapter 26  Coagulation disorders  /  353

                            Table 26.3   Classifi cation of von Willebrand disease.
                            Type 1         Quantitative partial defi ciency
                            Type 2         Functional abnormality
                            Type 3         Complete defi ciency
                              Secondary classifi cation of type 2 VWD
                              Subtype       Platelet - associated function       Factor VIII binding capacity       High MW VWF multimers

                            2A     Decreased                Normal                   Absent
                            2B     Increased affi nity for GPIb     Normal            Usually reduced/absent
                            2M     Decreased                Normal                   Normal
                            2N     Normal                   Reduced                  Normal

                              GPIb, glycoprotein Ib; MW, molecular weight; VWD, von Willebrand disease; VWF, von Willebrand factor.

                      depending on mutation type and epistatic genetic       Treatment

                      effects such as ABO blood group. Women are worse
                                                                  Options are as follows:

                      affected than men at a given VWF level. Typically,
                      there is mucous membrane bleeding (e.g. epistaxes,      1      Local  measures  and  antifibrinolytic agent (e.g.

                      menorrhagia), excessive blood loss from superfi cial   tranexamic acid for mild bleeding).
                      cuts and abrasions, and operative and post - traumatic      2      DDAVP infusion for those with type 1 VWD.
                      haemorrhage. The severity is variable in the diff er-  This releases VWF from endothelial cells 30 min

                      ent types. Haemarthroses and muscle haematomas   after intravenous infusion.
                      are rare, except in type 3 disease.          3      High - purity VWF concentrates for patients with
                                                                  very low VWF levels. Plasma - derived factor VIII/
                                                                  VWF concentrates are used. Recombinant VWF

                          Laboratory  fi ndings (Table    26.2   )
                                                                  is now in phase II clinical trials.

                           1      The PFA - 100 test (see p. 328  ) is abnormal. Th is
                        has largely replaced the bleeding time test.
                                                                    Hereditary  d isorders of  o ther
                         2      Factor VIII levels are often low. If low, a factor
                                                                  c oagulation  f actors
                        VIII/VWF binding assay is performed.

                         3      The APTT may be prolonged.       All these disorders (deficiency of fi brinogen,  pro-

                         4      VWF levels are usually low.     thrombin, factors  V,  VII, combined  V and  VIII,
                         5      There is defective platelet aggregation by patient   factors X, XI, XIII) are rare. In all the inheritance

                        plasma in the presence of ristocetin (VWF: Rco).   is autosomal recessive except for factor XI defi ciency
                        Aggregation to other agents (adenosine diphos-  where there is variable penetrance. Factor XI defi -
                        phate (ADP), thrombin or adrenaline) is usually   ciency is seen mainly in Ashkenazi Jews and occurs

                        normal.                                 in either sex. The bleeding risk shows incomplete
                         6      Collagen - binding function (VWF: CB) is usually   correlation to severity of the deficiency, and bleed-

                        reduced.                                ing only occurs after trauma such as surgery.

                         7   Multimer analysis is useful for diagnosing diff er-  Treatment is with fibrinolytic inhibitor, factor XI

                        ent subtypes (Table  26.3 ).            concentrate or fresh frozen plasma. Factor XIII defi -
                         8      The platelet count is normal except for type 2B   ciency produces a severe bleeding tendency, charac-

                        disease (where it is low).              teristically with umbilical stump bleeding. Plasma
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