Page 355 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 25  Bleeding disorders  /  341

                      of the membrane glycoproteins IIb/IIIa which       Acquired  d isorders
                      together form the  VWF and fi brinogen  receptor
                                                                    Antiplatelet  d rugs

                      (see Fig.  24.5 ). It usually presents in the neonatal
                      period and, characteristically, platelets fail to aggre-   Aspirin therapy is the most common cause of defec-
                      gate  in vitro  to any agonist except ristocetin.     tive platelet function. It produces abnormal closure
                                                                times in the platelet function analysis - 100  (PFA -
                                                                  100) test and, although purpura may not be obvious,
                          Bernard – Soulier  s yndrome          the defect may contribute to the associated gastroin-
                                                                testinal haemorrhage. The cause of the aspirin defect

                       In this disease the platelets are larger than normal
                                                                is inhibition of cyclo - oxygenase with impaired

                      and there is a defi ciency of GPIb. There is defective
                                                                thromboxane A  2   synthesis (see Fig.  27.8   ). Th ere is
                      binding to  VWF, defective adherence to exposed
                                                                consequent impairment of the release reaction and
                      subendothelial connective tissues and platelets do
                                                                aggregation with arachidonic acid, collagen, adrena-

                      not aggregate with ristocetin. There is a variable
                                                                line and adenosine diphosphate (ADP) (Fig.  25.10 ).
                      degree of thrombocytopenia.
                                                                After a single dose the defect lasts 7 – 10 days (i.e.
                                                                the life of the platelet). Aspirin is contraindicated
                                                                in patients with gastrointestinal or genitourinary
                          Storage  p ool  d iseases
                                                                bleeding, retinal bleeding, peptic ulcer, haemophilia
                        In the rare grey platelet syndrome, the platelets are   or uncontrollable hypertension.
                      larger than normal and there is a virtual absence of    Dipyridamole inhibits platelet aggregation by

                        α  granules with deficiency of their proteins. In the   blocking reuptake of adenosine and is usually used

                      more common  δ - storage pool disease there is a defi -  as an adjunct to aspirin. Clopidogrel inhibits
                      ciency of dense granules.                 binding of ADP to its platelet receptor (see Fig.
                           Platelet - dependent haemostasis is abnormal in    27.8   ), shown by impaired aggregation with ADP
                      von  Willebrand disease because of an inherited   (Fig.  25.10 ) and is mainly used for prevention of

                      defect in VWF (see p. 352)   .            thrombotic events (e.g. after coronary stenting or

                                      ADP          Adrenaline   Collagen       Arachidonic
                                      (2 µmol/l)   (2 µmol/l)                  acid
                                 Optical density (%)  50


                                     0       2       4       6       8      10      12      14
                                                              Time (min)
                                           Control    Patient on aspirin therapy  Patient on clopidogrel

                                Figure 25.10   Defective platelet aggregation in patients on aspirin or clopidogrel therapy. With aspirin there is no

                      secondary phase aggregation with adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and reduced responses to arachidonic acid,
                      adrenaline and collagen. With clopidogrel the defect is mainly in ADP induced aggregation.
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