Page 343 - Essential Haematology
P. 343

Chapter 24  Platelets, blood coagulation and haemostasis  /  329

                                  ■   Normal haemostasis requires         ■    Blood coagulation commences with tissue

                           vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation and   factor binding to clotting factor VII and this
                           blood coagulation. The intact endothelial   initiates a cascade which results in
                           cell normally separates collagen and other   thrombin generation. Thrombin then   SUMMARY
                           subendothelial connective tissues that   activates factors VIII and V which greatly
                           would stimulate platelet aggregation from   amplify the coagulation pathway resulting
                           circulating blood. The endothelial cells also   in a fi brin clot.

                           produce prostacyclin, nitric oxide and an         ■    Coagulation factor inhibitors include
                           ectonucleotidase which inhibit platelet   antithrombin, protein C and protein S.

                           aggregation.                               ■    Dissolution of fi brin clots (fi brinolysis)

                              ■    Platelets are produced from     occurs by activation of plasminogen to

                           megakaryocytes in the bone marrow. They   plasmin.

                           have surface glycoproteins which facilitate         ■    Tests of haemostatic function include the
                           adherence via von Willebrand factor to   thrombin time (TT), prothrombin time (PT),
                           collagen, to other platelets (aggregation)   activated partial thromboplastin time
                           and to coagulation proteins. Platelets   (APTT) as well as individual coagulation
                           contain different types of storage      factor assays and assay of von Willebrand
                           granules which are released after platelet   factor. Tests of platelet function include the
                           activation.                             PFA - 100 and platelet aggregation test.

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