Page 338 - Essential Haematology
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324  /  Chapter 24  Platelets, blood coagulation and haemostasis

                         Table 24.2   The coagulation factors.
                           Factor       Plasma half - life (h)       Plasma concentration (mg/L)       Comments
                         II       65                 100                           Prothrombin group: vitamin
                                                                               K needed for synthesis;
                         VII      5                  0.5
                                                                                        2 +
                                                                               require Ca    for activation
                         IX       25                 5
                         X        40                 10
                         I        90                 3000                          Thrombin interacts with
                                                                               them; increase in
                         V        15                 10
                                                            }                  infl ammation, pregnancy,
                         VIII     10                 0.1                       oral contraceptives
                         XI       45                 5
                         XIII     200                30

                    haemostatic mechanism. The endothelial cell also  contact activation of platelets and coagulation

                    has a potent inhibitory influence on the haemo-  factors. The vasoactive amines and TXA2 liberated

                    static response, largely through the synthesis of  from platelets (Fig.  24.6 ), and the fi brinopeptides

                    prostaglandin, NO, and the ectonucleotidase CD39  liberated during fibrin formation (Fig.  24.10 ), also
                    which have vasodilatatory properties and inhibit  have vasoconstrictive activity.
                    platelet aggregation.
                       Synthesis of tissue factor that initiates haemos-      Platelet  r eactions and  p rimary
                    tasis only occurs in endothelial cells following acti-    h aemostatic  p lug  f ormation
                    vation and its natural inhibitor,  TFPI, is also
                    synthesized. Endothelial synthesis of prostacyclin,   Following a break in the endothelial lining, there is
                    VWF, plasminogen activator, antithrombin and  an initial adherence of platelets (via GP1a and
                    thrombomodulin, the surface protein responsible  GP1b receptors) to exposed connective tissue,
                    for activation of protein C, provides agents that are  mediated (GP1b) by  VWF. Under conditions of
                    vital to both platelet reactions and blood coagula-  high shear stress (e.g. arterioles) the exposed suben-
                    tion (Fig.  24.8 ).                       dothelial matrix is initially coated with  VWF.
                                                              Collagen exposure and thrombin generated through
                                                              activation of tissue factor produced at the site of
                                                              injury cause the adherent platelets to release their
                        Haemostatic  r esponse (Fig.  24.1 )
                                                              granule contents and also activate platelet prostag-
                                                              landin synthesis leading to the formation of TXA2.
                                                              Released ADP causes platelets to swell and aggre-
                     Immediate vasoconstriction of the injured vessel  gate. Platelet rolling in the direction of blood fl ow
                    and reflex constriction of adjacent small arteries and  over exposed  VWF with activation of GPIIb/IIIa

                    arterioles is responsible for an initial slowing of  receptors results in firmer binding. Additional

                    blood flow to the area of injury.  When there is  platelets from the circulating blood are drawn to the

                    widespread damage this vascular reaction prevents  area of injury. This continuing platelet aggregation

                    exsanguination. The reduced blood fl ow  allows  promotes the growth of the haemostatic plug which
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