Page 336 - Essential Haematology
P. 336

322  /  Chapter 24  Platelets, blood coagulation and haemostasis

                         Table 24.1   The coagulation factors.
                           Factor number          Descriptive name                       Active form
                         I                      Fibrinogen                             Fibrin subunit
                         II                     Prothrombin                            Serine protease
                         III                    Tissue factor                          Receptor/cofactor *

                         V                      Labile factor                          Cofactor
                         VII                    Proconvertin                           Serine protease
                         VIII                   Antihaemophilic factor                 Cofactor
                         IX                     Christmas factor                       Serine protease
                         X                      Stuart – Prower factor                 Serine protease
                         XI                     Plasma thromboplastin antecedent       Serine protease
                         XII                    Hageman (contact) factor               Serine protease
                         XIII                   Fibrin - stabilizing factor            Transglutaminase
                                                  Prekallikrein (Fletcher factor)      Serine protease
                                                  HMWK (Fitzgerald factor)             Cofactor *

                           HMWK, high molecular weight kininogen.
                           *   Active without proteolytic modifi cation.

                                                    Active serine site
                                                    of IXa attacks here
                                 Light chain
                                            S-S               S-S
                                 Heavy chain                         Active    MW ≈ 14 000
                                                  Se                  Se
                                              Factor X        Factor Xa
                                            MW ≈ 60 000

                              Figure 24.9   Serine (Se) protease activity. This example shows the activation of the serine site of factor X by

                    factor IX.
                                             2 +
                    extrinsic Xase (VIIa, TF, PL, Ca   ), intrinsic Xase  amplifi cation when micromolar concentrations are
                                    2 +
                    (IXa,  VIIIa, PL, Ca   ) generating FXa and pro-  produced, i.e. a million - fold higher concentration
                                                 2 +
                    thrombinase complex (Xa, Va, PL, Ca   ) generating  than produced during the initiation phase.
                    thrombin. The generation of thrombin following

                    vascular injury occurs in two waves of very diff erent
                    magnitude with different functions. During the ini-

                    tiation phase small amounts are generated (picomo-   Coagulation is initiated by the interaction of the
                    lar concentrations) which prepares the coagulation  membrane bound tissue factor (TF), exposed and
                    cascade for the second larger thrombin burst in the  activated by an enzyme protein disulphide isomer-
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