Page 340 - Essential Haematology
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326  /  Chapter 24  Platelets, blood coagulation and haemostasis

                                          Intrinsic                            Enhanced
                                          pathway                              fibrinolysis

                                       VIII     VIIIa
                                                   Inhibits                      TPAI
                                        V        Va
                                                       Protein S        Activated
                                                       cofactor         protein C

                                   Fibrinogen   Fibrin
                                                                        Protein C   EPCR
                                         Endothelial cell

                              Figure 24.11   Activation and action of protein C by thrombin which has bound to thrombomodulin on the

                    endothelial cell surface. Protein S is a cofactor that facilitates binding of activated protein C to the platelet
                    surface. The inactivation of factors Va and VIIIa results in the inhibition of blood coagulation. The inactivation of
                    tissue plasminogen activator inhibitor (TPAI) enhances fi brinolysis. EPCR, endothelial protein C receptor.

                        Fibrinolysis                             Intrinsic        Extrinsic
                                                                activation       activation
                     Fibrinolysis (like coagulation) is a normal haemo-  Factor XIIa  tPA
                    static response to vascular injury. Plasminogen, a   Kallikrein  Urokinase-like A
                      β - globulin proenzyme in blood and tissue fl uid, is                 Fibrin

                    converted to the serine protease plasmin by activa-
                                                               Plasminogen      Plasmin
                    tors either from the vessel wall (intrinsic activation)
                    or from the tissues (extrinsic activation) (Fig.
                                                                                        Fibrin degradation
                     24.12 ).  The most important route follows the    Streptokinase     products (FDPs)

                    release of TPA from endothelial cells. TPA is a serine

                    protease that binds to fi brin.  This enhances its             Figure 24.12   The fi brinolytic system. tPA, tissue

                    capacity to convert thrombus - bound plasminogen   plasminogen activator.
                    into plasmin. Th is fibrin dependence of TPA action

                    strongly localizes plasmin generation by TPA to the
                    fibrin clot. Release of TPA occurs after such stimuli   inhibitors of thrombin and fi brin polymerization.

                    as trauma, exercise or emotional stress. Activated   Normally,  α   2   - antiplasmin inhibits any local free
                    protein C stimulates fibrinolysis by destroying   plasmin.

                    plasma inhibitors of TPA (Fig.  24.11 ). However,    Fibrinolytic agents are widely used in clinical
                    thrombin inhibits fibrinolysis by activating   practice    (see p. 377)   . Th erapeutic recombinant TPA

                    thrombin - activated  fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI)   has been synthesized using recombinant DNA tech-

                    which prevents plasminogen from binding to fi brin   nology. The bacterial agent streptokinase is a peptide
                    clot.                                     produced by haemolytic streptococci and forms a
                       Plasmin generation at the site of injury limits   complex with plasminogen, which converts other
                    the extent of the evolving thrombus. Th e  split   plasminogen molecules to plasmin. Urokinase is a
                    products of fibrinolysis are also competitive   TPA initially isolated from human urine.
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