Page 423 - Essential Haematology
P. 423

Chapter 29  Blood transfusion  /  409

                           Platelets and plasma may also be collected by    Leucodepletion reduces the incidence of febrile
                      apharesis (and centrifuging).             transfusion reactions and HLA alloimmunization.

                                                                It is effective at preventing transmission of CMV
                                                                infection and in addition should reduce the theo-
                                                                retical possibility of transmission of nvCJD in
                        In many countries, including Britain, blood prod-  countries where this has been reported.
                      ucts are now routinely filtered to remove the major-

                      ity of white cells, a process known as leucodepletion.
                                                                    Red  c ells

                      This is usually performed soon after collection and

                      prior to processing and is more effective than fi ltra-    Packed (plasma - depleted) red cells are the treatment
                      tion of blood at the bedside. A blood component is   of choice for most transfusions (Fig.  29.7 a). In older

                      defined as leucocyte depleted if there are less than   subjects, a diuretic is often given simultaneously

                      5    ×    10  /L white cells present.     and the infusion should be sufficiently slow to avoid

                      (a)                          (b)

                                                           Figure 29.7   Blood components:  (a)  plasma - depleted red cells;

                      (c)                          (b)  platelets; and  (c)  fresh frozen plasma.
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