Page 420 - Essential Haematology
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406  /  Chapter 29  Blood transfusion

                         Table 29.8   Techniques used in compatibility       Table 29.9   Complications of blood

                     testing. Donor cells tested against recipient   transfusion.
                     serum and agglutination detected visually or
                     microscopically after mixing and incubation         Early        Late
                     at the appropriate temperature.
                                                                   Haemolytic reactions:       Transmission of
                                                               immediate or delayed    infection (Table  29.7 )
                           For detecting clinically signifi cant IgM antibodies
                         Saline 37 ° C                             Reactions caused by       Transfusional iron
                                                               infected blood     overload (see Chapter
                           For detecting immune antibodies  (mainly IgG)
                                                                                    4 )

                         Indirect antiglobulin test at 37 ° C
                         Low ionic strength saline at 37 ° C         Allergic reactions to       Immune sensitization,
                         Enzyme - treated red cells at 37 ° C     white cells, platelets   e.g. to red cells,
                                                               or proteins        platelets or Rh D
                           Ig, immunoglobulin.
                                                                   Pyrogenic reactions       Transfusion - associated
                                                               (to plasma proteins or   graft - versus - host
                        Complications of  b lood               caused by HLA      disease
                      t ransfusion  (Table    29.9   )
                                                                   Circulatory overload
                        Haemolytic  t ransfusion  r eactions       Bacterial
                     Haemolytic transfusion reactions may be immedi-  contamination
                    ate or delayed. Immediate life - threatening reactions       Air embolism
                    associated with massive intravascular haemolysis are
                    the result of complement - activating antibodies of
                    IgM or IgG classes, usually with ABO specifi city.       Citrate toxicity
                    Reactions associated with extravascular haemolysis       Hyperkalaemia
                    (e.g. immune antibodies of the Rh system that are
                                                                   Clotting abnormalities
                    unable to activate complement) are generally less
                                                               (after massive
                    severe but may still be life - threatening. Th e  cells
                    become coated with IgG and are removed in the
                    reticuloendothelial system. In mild cases, the only       TRALI
                    signs of a transfusion reaction may be a progressive       Post - transfusion
                    unexplained anaemia with or without jaundice. In   purpura
                    some cases where the pre - transfusion level of an
                    antibody was too low to be detected in a cross -        HLA, human leucocyte antigen; TRALI, transfusion - related
                     match, a patient may be reimmunized by transfu-  acute lung injury.
                    sion of incompatible red cells and this will lead to
                    a delayed transfusion reaction (most often caused
                    by anti - c or anti - JK) with accelerated clearance of

                    the red cells. There may be rapid appearance of
                    anaemia with mild jaundice.
                                                              or up to 1 – 2 hours after the end of the transfusion.
                                                              Clinical features include urticaria, pain in the
                        Clinical  f eatures of a  m ajor  h aemolytic

                                                              lumbar region, flushing, headache, precordial pain,
                      t ransfusion  r eaction
                                                              shortness of breath, vomiting, rigours, pyrexia and
                       Haemolytic shock phase     Th is may occur after   a fall in blood pressure. If the patient is anaesthe-

                    only a few millilitres of blood have been transfused   tized this shock phase is masked. There is increasing
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