Page 429 - Essential Haematology
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Chapter 30  Pregnancy and neonatal haematology   /  415

                      fall to below normal in 20 – 30% of pregnancies and   The platelet count falls for a day or two after
                      low values are sometimes the cause of diagnostic   delivery and then recovers rapidly. Th e HELLP
                      confusion.                                syndrome (haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and
                                                                low platelets) is a subtype of this category. It is
                                                                associated with prolongation of the prothrombin
                                                                time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin

                       The platelet count typically falls by approximately   time (APTT).
                      10% in an uncomplicated pregnancy. In approxi-     Idiopathic (autoimmune) thrombocytopenic
                      mately 7% of women this fall is more severe and   purpura     (see p. 334  ) In pregnancy, ITP repre-
                      can result in thrombocytopenia (platelet count   sents a particular problem, both to the mother and
                        < 140    ×    10  /L). In over 75% of cases this is mild   to the fetus, as the antibody crosses the placenta and
                      and of unknown cause, a condition referred   the fetus may become severely thrombocytopenic.
                      to as  incidental thrombocytopenia of pregnancy .     Like all adults, pregnant women with ITP and
                      Approximately 21% of cases are secondary to   platelet counts  > 50    ×    10  /L do not usually need
                      a hypertensive disorder and 4% are associated   treatment. Treatment is required for women with
                      with immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP;   platelet counts  < 10    ×    10  /L and for those with
                      Fig.  30.2 ).                             platelet counts of 10 – 30    ×    10  /L who are in their
                            Incidental  thrombocytopenia  of  preg-  second or third trimester or who are bleeding.

                      nancy     This is a diagnosis of exclusion and is   Treatment is with steroids, intravenous immu-
                      usually detected at the time of delivery. Th e platelet   noglobulin G (IgG), rituximab and splenectomy as
                      count is always  > 70    ×    10  /L and recovers within 6   appropriate.
                      weeks. No treatment is required and the infant is    At delivery, umbilical vein blood sampling or
                      not aff ected.                            fetal scalp vein sampling to measure the fetal plate-

                            Thrombocytopenia of hypertensive disor-  let count may be offered although their exact role
                      ders     This is variable in severity but the platelet   is unclear. In general, caesarean section is not

                      count rarely falls to  < 40    ×    10  /L. It is more severe   indicated when the maternal platelet count is
                      when associated with pre - eclampsia and if severe the     > 50    ×    10  /L unless the fetal platelet count is known
                      primary treatment is as rapid delivery as possible.   to be  < 20    ×    10  /L. Platelet transfusion may be



                                              Incidental  Hypertensive  Immune  Others
                                           thrombocytopenia  disorders  disorders

                                Figure 30.2   Causes of thrombocytopenia during pregnancy.
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