Page 106 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 106

5.  The major microtubule-forming center in the cell is the:

                       A.  centriole.

                       B.  mitotic spindle.

                       C.  cilia.

                       D.  centrosome.

                       E.  basal body.


                 1. Correct Answer: E. Zonula occludentes (tight junction). These structures
                     are located at the apical regions of the cells and play an important role in

                     the epithelium of the digestive organs, where they prevent the passage of
                     corrosive chemicals between cells.

                 2.  Correct  Answer:  D.  Gap  junction.  Of  the  junctional  complexes,  the
                     spotlike  gap  junctions  exhibit  tiny  channels  (connexons)  that  connect

                     adjacent cells and allow for communication between them. Such junctions
                     are vital for rapid communication in cardiac muscle cells and nerve cells.

                 3.  Correct  Answer:  C.  Cilia.  The  motor  protein  dynein  exhibits  ATPase
                     activity and uses the energy of ATP hydrolysis to induce cilia motility.

                 4.  Correct  Answer:  A.  Nuclear  pores.  A  selective  permeability  membrane
                     with nuclear pores surrounds the nuclei of different cells. The nuclear pores

                     control the transport of molecules between the nucleus and cytoplasm.

                 5.  Correct  Answer:  D.  Centrosome.  All  microtubules  originate  from  the
                     microtubule-organizing center in the cytoplasm called the centrosome.


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