Page 102 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 102

Abundant in liver and kidney cells, which remove much of the toxic material

                   Detoxify, degrade alcohol, oxidize fatty acids, and metabolize compounds

               CELL CYTOSKELETON


                   Thinnest microfilaments in the cytoskeleton
                   Composed of protein actin and contribute to cell and organelle movements

                   Distributed throughout cell and used as anchors at cell junctions
                   Form core of microvilli and terminal web at cell apices
                   Actin–myosin interactions produce muscle contractions

               Intermediate Filaments

                   Thicker than microfilaments
                   Epithelial cells contain keratin filaments
                   In skin cells, they terminate at desmosomes and hemidesmosomes

                   Vimentin filaments found in mesenchymal cells
                   Desmin filaments found in smooth and skeletal muscles
                   Glial filaments found in astrocytic cells of the nervous system
                   Lamin filaments found in nuclear membrane


                   Largest filaments in cytoskeleton and found in most cells except red blood

                   Composed of α and β tubulin
                   Originate from centrosome
                   Determine cell shape and function in intracellular transport
                   Form spindles and separate duplicated chromosomes during cell mitosis

                   Present in cilia, flagella, centrioles, and basal bodies

               Centrosome and Centrioles

                   Centrosome located near nucleus and contain two centrioles

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