Page 103 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 103

Major microtubule-forming center and mitotic spindles

                   Centrioles  perpendicular  to  one  another;  contain  nine  clusters  of  three
                   microtubules each arranged in a circle
                   Before mitosis, centrioles replicate
                   During  mitosis,  centrioles  form  mitotic  spindles  to  control  distribution  of

                   Centrioles  induce  formation  of  basal  bodies  and  microtubules  in  cilia  and


                   Temporary structures such as lipids, glycogen, crystals, and pigment


                   Nucleus contains chromatin, nucleoli, nuclear matrix, and cellular DNA

                   Double membrane called the nuclear envelope surrounds the nucleus
                   Nucleolus is not membrane bound
                   Outer membrane of nuclear envelope contains ribosomes and is continuous
                   with rough endoplasmic reticulum

                   Nuclear pores at intervals in the nuclear envelope
                   Nuclear pores control movements of material between nucleus and cytoplasm

               SURFACES OF CELLS

               Junctional Complex

                   Zonula occludens or tight junctions form an effective epithelial barrier

                   Transmembrane proteins claudin fuse the outer membranes of adjacent cells
                   to form tight junctions
                   In zonula adherens or adhering junctions, transmembrane proteins attach to

                   cytoskeleton and bind adjacent cells
                   Actin filaments attach zonula adherens
                   Desmosomes are spotlike structures, very prominent in skin and cardiac cells

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