Page 101 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 101

Mature concave side is the trans face

                   New synthesized protein transported in transfer vesicles to Golgi apparatus
                   Cisternae modify enzymes and sort and package proteins
                   Adds  sugars  to  proteins  and  lipids  to  form  glycoproteins,  glycolipids,  and
                   Secretory  granules  are  modified,  sorted,  and  packaged  in  membranes  for

                   export outside of cell or for lysosomes
                   Other proteins and phospholipids are incorporated into cell membrane


                   Appear as free or attached (as to endoplasmic reticulum)
                   Most abundant in protein-synthesizing cells
                   Decode genetic messages from nucleus for amino acid sequence of protein

                   Free ribosomes synthesize proteins for cell use
                   Attached  ribosomes  synthesize  proteins  that  are  packaged  for  export  or
                   lysosomes use
                   Ribosomal  subunits  synthesized  in  nucleolus  and  transported  to  cytoplasm

                   via nuclear pores


                   Membrane-bound  vesicles  filled  with  hydrolyzing  or  digesting  enzymes

                   called acid hydrolases
                   Synthesized  in  rough  endoplasmic  reticulum  and  packaged  in  Golgi

                   Separated from cytoplasm by membrane to prevent damage to cell
                   Functions in intracellular digestion or phagocytosis
                   Digest microorganisms, cellular debris, worn-out cells, or cell organelles
                   Residual bodies seen after phagocytosis
                   Very abundant in tissue macrophages and white blood cells neutrophils


                   Contain oxidases that form cytotoxic hydrogen peroxide

                   Contain enzyme catalase to eliminate excess hydrogen peroxide

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