Page 130 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
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capillary walls to the surrounding cells. In the lungs, the simple squamous

                 epithelium  allows  efficient  gas  exchange  or  transport  between  the  thin-
                 walled capillaries and alveoli.

               FIGURE 4.4 | Different Epithelial Types in Kidney


               This high-power photomicrograph of the kidney illustrates the different types of
               epithelia  that  are  present  in  the  kidney  cortex  (peripheral  region).  Simple
               squamous epithelium (1) lines the outer portion of the double-layered epithelial

               capsule  called  the  Bowman  capsule  (5).  The  inner  layer  of  the  capsule
               surrounds the capillaries (3) of the glomerulus (2). The glomerulus (2) is a tuft
               of capillaries (3) where blood filtration takes place. Simple squamous epithelium

               called endothelium (4, 9) also lines the capillaries (3) and all blood vessels (8).
               Simple cuboidal epithelium (6) lines the lumina of the surrounding convoluted
               tubules  (7).  The  blue-staining  fibers  surrounding  the  Bowman  capsule  (5),
               convoluted  tubules  (7),  and  blood  vessels  (8)  in  the  kidney  cortex  are  the
               collagen fibers of the connective tissue (10).

               FIGURE 4.4 ■ Different epithelial types in the kidney cortex. Stain:  Masson
               trichrome. ×120.

               FIGURE  4.5  |  Simple  Columnar  Epithelium:

               Stomach Surface

               The surface of the stomach is covered by a tall, simple columnar epithelium

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