Page 150 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 150


               FIGURE 4.13 ■ Unbranched simple tubular exocrine glands: intestinal glands.

               A.  Diagram  of  the  gland.  B.  Transverse  section  of  the  large  intestine.  Stain:
               hematoxylin and eosin. Medium magnification.

               FIGURE  4.14  |  Simple  Branched  Tubular

               Exocrine Glands: Gastric Glands

               Simple or slightly branched tubular glands without excretory ducts are found in
               the stomach. These are the gastric glands (A and B). In the fundus and body of

               the stomach, they are lined with modified columnar cells that are specialized for
               secreting hydrochloric acid and the precursor for the proteolytic enzyme pepsin.

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