Page 145 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 145

Review Questions: Section 1


                   In the following multiple choice questions, choose the letter corresponding
               to the one best answer.

                 1.  What lies directly under the epithelium?

                       A.  Blood vessels

                       B.  Muscle tissue

                       C.  Basement membrane

                       D.  Nervous tissue

                       E.  Connective tissue

                 2.    The  epithelium  that  protects  the  skin  from  abrasion  and  bacterial

                      invasion is:

                       A.  pseudostratified.

                       B.  stratified squamous keratinized.

                       C.  striated.

                       D.  stratified squamous nonkeratinized.

                       E.  stratified columnar.

                 3.  What modification would be best suited for cells transporting materials

                      across their surfaces?

                       A.  Microvilli

                       B.  Stereocilia

                       C.  Cilia

                       D.  Brush border

                       E.  Microfilaments

                 4.  The epithelium that allows distension in an organ is:

                       A.  transitional.

                       B.  squamous.

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