Page 142 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 142

SECTION 1 Classification of Epithelial Tissue

               EPITHELIAL TISSUE

               Major Features

                   Classification is based on number of cell layers and cell morphology
                   Basement membrane separates epithelium from connective tissue
                   Almost all epithelia are nonvascular, except the epithelium in the inner ear,
                   which is vascular

                   Delivery of nutrients to epithelial cells and removal of metabolic waste occur
                   via diffusion from adjacent capillaries
                   Surface  modifications  include  motile  cilia,  microvilli,  and  nonmotile

                   Lateral  cell  surface  modification  includes  zonulae  occludentes,  zonulae
                   adherens, desmosomes, gap junctions, and hemidesmosomes basally

               Types of Epithelia

               Simple Squamous Epithelium

                   Single layer of flat or squamous cells; includes mesothelium and endothelium
                   Mesothelium lines external surfaces of digestive organs, lung, and heart

                   Endothelium  lines  inside  of  heart  chambers,  blood  vessels,  and  lymphatic
                   Functions  in  filtration,  diffusion,  transport,  secretion,  and  reduction  of

               Simple Cuboidal Epithelium

                   Single layer of round cells
                   Lines small ducts and kidney tubules

                   Protects ducts; transports and absorbs filtered material in kidney tubules

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