Page 143 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 143

Simple Columnar Epithelium

                   All cells are tall, some lined by microvilli
                   Lines the lumina of digestive organs
                   Secretes protective mucus for stomach lining
                   Absorption of nutrients in small intestine

               Pseudostratified  Columnar  Epithelium,  Epithelium

               with Cilia or Stereocilia

                   All cells reach basement membrane, but not all reach the surface
                   Ciliated cells interspersed among mucus-secreting goblet cells
                   In  respiratory  passages,  ciliated  and  mucus  cells  clean  inspired  air  and
                   transport particulate matter across cell surfaces

                   In  uterine  tubes  and  the  efferent  ducts  of  testes,  ciliated  cells  transport
                   oocytes and sperm across cell surfaces, respectively In the epididymis and
                   vas deferens, the lining stereocilia absorb testicular fluid
                   In the inner ear, stereocilia perform sensory functions for hearing and balance

               Stratified Epithelium

                   Formed  by  multiple  layers  of  cells,  the  superficial  cell  layer  determining
                   epithelial type

                   Nonkeratinized squamous epithelium contains live superficial cell layer
                   Nonkeratinized  squamous  forms  moist  and  protective  layer  in  esophagus,
                   vagina, anal canal, and oral cavity
                   Keratinized epithelium contains dead superficial cell layer

                   Keratinized  epithelium  provides  protection  against  abrasion,  bacterial
                   invasion, and desiccation
                   Cuboidal epithelium lines large excretory ducts in different organs
                   Cuboidal epithelium provides protection for the ducts

               Transitional Epithelium

                   Found exclusively in renal calyces, renal pelvis, ureters, and bladder
                   Changes shape in response to distensions caused by fluid accumulation

                   Plaques  in  the  cells  allow  extensions  of  the  epithelium  during  fluid

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