Page 151 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 151

FIGURE  4.14  ■  Simple  branched  tubular  exocrine  gland:  gastric  glands.  A.

               Diagram of the gland. B. Transverse section of the stomach. Stain: hematoxylin
               and eosin. Low magnification.

               FIGURE 4.15 | Coiled Tubular Exocrine Glands:

               Sweat Glands

               Sebaceous  glands  in  the  skin  are  coiled  tubular  glands  with  long,  unbranched
               ducts (A and B). Note the secretory cells of the gland and the excretory duct,

               which delivers the secretory product to the surface. Note also the transition from
               single  layer  of  cells  in  the  secretory  portion  of  the  gland  and  the  stratified
               cuboidal epithelium in the excretory duct.

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