Page 192 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 192

D.    It  secretes  glycosaminoglycans,  proteoglycans,  and  adhesive


                       E.  It influences lipid metabolism in adipose tissues.

                 4.    What  serves  as  a  barrier  to  the  passage  of  large  molecules  and
                      pathogens in the connective tissue?

                       A.  Collagen fibers

                       B.  Semifluid ground substance

                       C.  Fibroblasts

                       D.  Reticular fibers

                       E.  Dense connective tissue layers

                 5.    What  fibers  form  supporting  meshworks  in  organs  such  as  lymph
                      nodes and the spleen?

                       A.  Elastic fibers

                       B.  Collagen fibers

                       C.  Reticular fibers

                       D.  Type I collagen fibers

                       E.  All connective tissue fibers


                 1.  Correct  Answer:  D.  It  is  a  source  of  heat  for  hibernating  animals  and
                     newborns. During hibernation and in newborns, brown fat provides body
                     heat as a protective measure.

                 2.  Correct  Answer:  A.  The  hormone  leptin.  This  hormone  is  produced  by

                     white  adipose  tissue  cells  and  has  an  important  role  in  food  intake  and
                     appetite by acting on the cells in the hypothalamus of the central nervous

                 3.  Correct  Answer:  C.  It  is  the  source  of  all  connective  tissue.  The

                     undifferentiated mesenchyme cells give rise to various other cells, including
                     all connective tissue.

                 4. Correct Answer: B. Semifluid ground substance. Because of its viscosity,
                     ground  substance  serves  as  an  efficient  barrier  to  large  molecules  and

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