Page 188 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 188


                   Smaller than fibroblasts
                   Inactive or resting connective tissue cells

               White Adipose (Fat) Cells

                   Most common type of adipose tissue with wide distribution
                   Occur singly or in groups and exhibit single or unilocular lipid droplet
                   When adipose cells predominate, the connective tissue is adipose tissue

                   Store fat (lipid) as a single large droplet, primarily as triglycerides
                   Lipids  derived  from  intestinal  lipoproteins  and  low  lipid  lipoproteins  from
                   Appear as empty cells because lipid is dissolved during tissue preparation
                   Distributed throughout the body, serves as insulation, and forms fat pads for

                   organ protection
                   Highly vascularized owing to high metabolic activity
                   Exhibit  receptors  for  hormones  that  influence  accumulation  and  release  of

                   Sole source of hormone leptin that increases lipid metabolism and regulates
                   appetite and food intake

               Brown Adipose Cells

                   Exhibits more limited distribution
                   Cells  smaller  than  white  adipose  cells;  store  fat  as  multiple  lipid  droplets
                   Best developed in hibernating animals and newborn individuals

                   In newborns or animals emerging from hibernation, generates body heat
                   Norepinephrine  from  sympathetic  nervous  system  promotes  hydrolysis  of

                   As an adaptation to cold environment, cell numbers and tissue increase


                   Most numerous in loose connective tissue

                   Ingest bacteria, dead cells, cell debris, and foreign matter

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