Page 391 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 391

C.  cerebrum.

                       D.  cerebellum.

                       E.  peripheral organs.

                 5.  Satellite cells:

                       A.  surround the Schwann cells.

                       B.  enclose the oligodendrocytes.

                       C.  are sensory neurons in ganglia.

                       D.  surround sensory neurons in different ganglia.

                       E.  surround the peripheral axons.


               Correct  Answer:  C.  Perineurium.  Connective  tissue  cells  are  joined  by  tight

               junctions to form a blood–nerve barrier.

               Correct Answer: B. Intervals between myelinating cells. The nodes of Ranvier
               are the intermodal segments and represent the length in the neuron covered by
               the myelinating cell.

               Correct Answer: D. A rapid impulse conduction in large myelinated axons. In
               saltatory  conduction,  the  impulse  jumps  from  node  to  node,  resulting  in  fast
               transmission of an impulse.

               Correct Answer: A. Dorsal root ganglia. These are located on each side of the
               spinal cord.

               Correct  Answer:  D.  Surround  sensory  neurons  in  different  ganglia.  Satellite

               cells provide structural support for the neurons.


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