Page 390 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 390

Review Questions: Section 2


                   In the following multiple choice questions, choose the letter corresponding
               to the one best answer.

                 1.  The blood–nerve barrier in the peripheral nervous system is formed

                       A.  endoneurium.

                       B.  epineurium.

                       C.  perineurium.

                       D.  myelin sheath.

                       E.  Schwann cells.

                 2.  The nodes of Ranvier represent:

                       A.  gaps or spaces in the myelin sheath.

                       B.  intervals between myelinating cells.

                       C.  the length or segment of an axon covered by the myelin sheath.

                       D.  sites of axonal synapses.

                       E.  sites of neurotransmitter location.

                 3.  Saltatory conduction indicates:

                       A.  a normal impulse conduction in all axons.

                       B.  passage of impulses across the synapses in myelinated axons.

                       C.  a rapid impulse conduction in unmyelinated axons.

                       D.  a rapid impulse conduction in large myelinated axons.

                       E.  a slow impulse conduction in large myelinated axons.

                 4.  The sensory neurons for the peripheral nerves of the spinal cord are
                      located in the:

                       A.  dorsal root ganglia.

                       B.  spinal cord.

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