Page 398 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 398

CHAPTER 10 Circulatory System

               The  mammalian  circulatory  system  comprises  two  major  systems:  the
               cardiovascular system and the lymphatic vascular system.


               The  cardiovascular  system  consists  of  the  heart,  major  arteries,  arterioles,
               capillaries, venules, and veins that form a closed system of blood vessels that
               carry blood. Within this system are two major circuits that distribute blood, the

               systemic circulation and the pulmonary circulation. Both circuits depend on
               the pumping action of the heart for blood distribution. The systemic circulation
               carries  the  blood  from  the  heart  to  all  organs,  tissues,  and  cells  via  arterial

               vessels and then back to the heart via the venous vessels. The pulmonary system
               carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs for gaseous exchange and
               the  oxygenated  blood  back  to  the  heart  for  distribution  via  the  systemic

                   The  main  functions  of  the  blood  vascular  system  are  gaseous  exchange;

               temperature  control;  and  transport  of  oxygen,  carbon  dioxide,  nutrients,
               hormones, metabolic products, cells of immune defense system, and many other
               essential products. The histology of the heart muscle has been described in detail
               in Chapter 8 as one of the four main tissues. In this chapter, heart histology is

               illustrated only as part of the cardiovascular system.

               Types of Arteries

               There  are  three  types  of  arteries  in  an  organism:  elastic  arteries,  muscular

               arteries, and arterioles. Arteries that leave the heart with the oxygenated blood
               become smaller as they exhibit progressive branching. With each branching, the
               luminal diameters of the arteries gradually decrease until the smallest vessel, the

               capillary, is formed.

                   Elastic arteries  are  the  largest  blood  vessels  and  include  the  pulmonary

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