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against  gravity,  have  valves.  Because  of  the  low  blood  pressure  in  the  veins,

               blood flow to the heart in the veins is slow and can even back up. The presence
               of  valves  in  veins  assists  venous  blood  flow  toward  the  heart  by  preventing
               backflow. When blood flows toward the heart, pressure in the veins forces the
               valves to open. As the blood begins to flow backward, the valve flaps close the
               lumen and prevent backflow of blood. Venous blood between the valves in the

               extremities  flows  toward  the  heart  because  of  the  contraction  of  surrounding
               muscles, contractions between muscles, or contractions of organs that have some
               muscle such as the spleen. However, valves are absent in veins of the central

               nervous system (CNS), the inferior and superior venae cavae, and the viscera.

                   The walls of the veins, like the arteries, also exhibit three layers or tunics;
               however,  the  muscular  layer  is  much  thinner  and  less  prominent.  The  tunica
               intima in veins exhibits an endothelium and subendothelial connective tissue. In
               contrast  to  arteries,  the  muscular  tunica  media  is  thin  in  the  veins,  and  the

               smooth muscles intermix with connective tissue fibers. The tunica adventitia is
               the thickest and best-developed layer of the three tunics. Longitudinal bundles of
               smooth  muscle  fibers  are  common  in  the  connective  tissue  of  this  layer  (Fig.
               10.2).  The  structure  of  the  venous  walls  allows  flexibility  and  the

               accommodation of a large blood volume. As a result, veins contain most of the
               blood in the body.

               FIGURE 10.2 ■ Large vein.

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