Page 420 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 420

stimulation throughout the entire ventricular musculature.

                     The pacemaker activities of the heart are influenced by the axons from

                 the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and by hormones. Axons from both
                 the parasympathetic division and the sympathetic division innervate the heart
                 and form a wide plexus at its base. Although these axons innervate the heart
                 myocardium,  they  do  not  affect  the  initiation  of  rhythmic  activity  of  the

                 nodes.  Instead,  they  affect  the  heart  rate.  Stimulation  by  the  sympathetic
                 nerves accelerates the heart rate, whereas stimulation by the parasympathetic
                 nerves produces the opposite effect and decreases the heart rate.

                 Purkinje Fibers

                     Purkinje  fibers  are  thicker  and  larger  than  cardiac  muscle  fibers  and
                 contain  a  greater  amount  of  glycogen  and  fewer  contractile  filaments.
                 Purkinje fibers are part of the conduction system of the heart. These fibers
                 are located beneath the endocardium on either side of the interventricular
                 septum and are recognized as separate tracts. Because Purkinje fibers branch

                 throughout  the  myocardium,  they  deliver  continuous  waves  of  stimulation
                 from the atrial nodes (SA and AV) to the rest of the heart musculature via the
                 gap junctions.  This  stimulation  produces  ventricular  contractions  (systole)

                 and the ejection of blood from both ventricular chambers.

                 Atrial Natriuretic Hormone

                     Certain cardiac muscle fibers in the atria exhibit dense granules in their
                 cytoplasm. These granules contain atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH) that

                 is released in response to atrial distention or stretching. The main function of
                 this  factor  is  to  decrease  blood  pressure  by  regulating  blood  volume.  The
                 ANH inhibits the release of renin by kidney cells and aldosterone from the
                 adrenal gland cortex that induce the kidneys to excrete more sodium ions and
                 water  (diuresis).  As  a  result,  the  blood  volume  and  blood  pressure  are

                 reduced decreasing the distention of the atrial wall and further release of the


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