Page 415 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
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endocardium (9). The endocardium (9) extends over the pulmonary valve (6)

               and  the  annulus  fibrosus  (8)  and  blends  in  with  the  tunica  intima  (5a)  of  the
               pulmonary trunk (5).

                   The pulmonary trunk (5) is lined by the subepicardial connective tissue and
               adipose  tissue  (2),  which,  in  turn,  is  covered  by  the  epicardium (1).  Both  of
               these layers cover the external surface of the right ventricle. Coronary arterioles

               and venules (3) are found in the subepicardial connective tissue (2).

               FIGURE 10.13 ■ Heart: a section of the right ventricle, pulmonary trunk, and
               pulmonary  valve  (longitudinal  section).  Stain:  hematoxylin  and  eosin.  Low

               FIGURE  10.14  |  Heart:  Contracting  Cardiac

               Muscle  Fibers  and  Impulse-Conducting  Purkinje


               This figure illustrates a section of the heart stained with Mallory-Azan stain. The
               blue-stained  collagen  fibers  accentuate  the  subendocardial  connective  tissue

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