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vasa vasorum (9) supply the tunica adventitia (7). In such large blood vessels as

               the  aorta  and  the  pulmonary  arteries,  tunica  media  (6)  occupies  most  of  the
               vessel wall, whereas tunica adventitia (7) is reduced, as illustrated in this figure.

               FIGURE 10.10 ■ Wall of a large elastic artery: aorta (transverse section). Stain:
               elastic stain. Low magnification.

               FIGURE 10.11 | Wall of Large Vein: Portal Vein

               (Transverse Section)

               In contrast to the wall of a large artery (Fig. 10.10), the wall of a large vein is

               characterized  by  thick,  muscular  tunica  adventitia  (6)  in  which  the  smooth
               muscle fibers (7) show a longitudinal orientation. In the transverse section of the
               portal  vein,  the  smooth  muscle  fibers  (7)  are  segregated  into  bundles  and  are
               seen in cross section, surrounded by the connective tissue of the tunica adventitia

               (6). An arteriole (8a), two venules (8b), and a capillary (8c) in a longitudinal
               section of the vasa vasorum (8) are visible in the tunica adventitia (6).

                   In contrast to the thick tunica adventitia (6), the tunica media (5) is thinner.
               The smooth muscle fibers (3) exhibit a circular orientation. In other large veins,

               the tunica media (5) may be extremely thin and compact.

                   The tunica intima (4) is part of the endothelium (1) and is supported by a
               small amount of subendothelial connective tissue (2). In addition, large veins
               may exhibit an IEL that is not as well developed as in the arteries.

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