Page 60 - VISION
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Snap™ All-Purpose Natural Concentrate uses a special cleaning 另外,此清潔液還含有特別的潔淨因子,把污垢、油分
agent to hold dirt, oil and grease in suspension within water 緊緊地與水結合形成懸浮液,並讓其易於沖洗掉。Snap™
molecules, allowing them to be easily rinsed away. Snap All- 萬用天然濃縮清潔液是由天然油製成,並特別加入護
Purpose Natural Concentrate is made from natural oils and
is enriched with skin conditioners. Snap All-Purpose Natural 膚成份。此清潔液為環保配方,其表面活性劑及香精
Concentrate is an environmentally friendly cleaning solution 油均為生物可分解、不含毒性、不含磷酸及以植物為
with biodegradable, nontoxic, phosphate-free and plant-based 本。Snap All-Purpose Natural Concentrate萬用天然濃縮清
surfactants and essential oils. Make household cleaning a snap 潔液令家居清潔變成舉手之勞!
with Snap All-Purpose Natural Concentrate!
Dilution Ratios: 稀釋比例:
Walls, countertops, Add 2 capfuls (15 ml) to 3.8 liters of water 牆壁、櫃檯、地板及 把兩瓶蓋(15毫升)清潔液加進3.8公升清水中
floors and woodwork 木製品
Dirty hands Work a few drops into hands, clean gently 洗手 把幾滴清潔液滴到手中,然後搓揉再用清水沖洗
and rinse with water 珠寶 把兩滴清潔液加進236毫升清水中,浸泡15分鐘
Jewelry 2 drops in 236 ml of water, soak for 15 後用清水沖洗
minutes and rinse well 各種污漬、污垢 把幾滴清潔液滴到污漬上,加以洗刷然後用清水
Spot and stain Apply several drops directly to the soiled 沖洗
removal area; rub and rinse with water 衣物預洗 把兩瓶蓋(15毫升)清潔液加進以噴水壺盛載的
Laundry pre-wash Add 2 capfuls (15 ml) to 236 ml water in a 236毫升清水中,然後直接噴灑在污漬上
spray bottle, spray directly on stain 軟水劑 把兩瓶蓋(15毫升)加進一機衣物中
Water softener 2 capfuls (15 ml) with load of laundry 細緻衣物 把兩瓶蓋加進盛滿清水的洗手盆中
Delicate fabrics 2 capfuls (15 ml) in a sink of water 梳及刷 把兩瓶蓋加進盛滿清水的洗手盆中
Combs and brushes 2 capfuls (15 ml) in a sink of water 玻璃窗 把五滴清潔液加進以噴水壺盛載的360毫升清水中
Window cleaner 5 drops in (360 ml) of water in a spray
* 利用不含毒性、不含磷酸、生物可分解、以植物為本之成份組成,包裝瓶塑料
* Made with nontoxic, phosphate-free, biodegradable, plant-based ingredients and
bottled in recyclable plastic.