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Who should take Prime Astaxanthin Cardio & Visual      為甚麼此產品納入Prime系列?
        Vitality Formula?                                      對器官與其支援的系統而言,蝦紅素是非常強效的抗衰老抗
        Adults looking for support with cardiovascular health,    氧化物。任何人都可從蝦紅素的好處得益,當中尤其以40歲
        powerful antioxidant defense, the promotion of healthy vision
        and muscular endurance and performance.                以上人士最能受惠;這些人士較常受心血管健康、膽固醇、
        Why is this product placed in the Prime product line?
        Astaxanthin  is  an  extremely  powerful  anti-aging  antioxidant   Prime蝦紅素-健心明目配方的建議使用份量是多少?
        in terms of the organs and systems it supports. While the   18歲以上成年人的建議使用份量為每天一粒(6毫克)膠囊。
        benefits it offers can be enjoyed by anyone, it is most likely
        to benefit that segment of the population over the age of 40,   Prime蝦紅素-健心明目配方需空腹使用嗎?
        who are more frequently concerned with issues concerning
        cardiovascular health and cholesterol, vision and skin, as well as   不需要。建議飽肚使用本產品,以達到最佳吸收。
        muscular health.*
        What is the recommended serving of Prime               果最佳?
        Astaxanthin Cardio & Visual Vitality Formula?          Prime蝦紅素-健心明目配方可配合Isotonix®綜合維他
        The recommended serving for adults over the age of 18 is one   命、Isotonix白藜蘆醇、Isotonix葉黃素沖劑及Heart  Health™魚
        6 mg softgel per day.
        Does Prime Astaxanthin Cardio & Visual Vitality
        Formula need to be taken on an empty stomach?          對貝殼類海產敏感的人士可否使用Prime蝦紅素-健
        No. In fact, it is recommended that this product be taken along   心明目配方?
        with a meal, for optimal absorption.                   可以。雖然貝殼類海產含有蝦紅素,但Prime蝦紅素-健心明
        Which products are best combined with Prime            配方只採用AstaREAL蝦紅素;AstaREAL蝦紅素在嚴格控制的
        Astaxanthin Cardio & Visual Vitality Formula?          室內設備內由培育的微藻抽取。
        Prime Astaxanthin can be combined with products such as
        Isotonix® Multivitamin, Isotonix Resveratrol, Isotonix Vision
        Formula, and Heart Health™ Essential Omega III.        使用Prime蝦紅素-健心明目配方安全嗎?
        Can Prime Astaxanthin Cardio & Visual Vitality         美國製造,並於經美國食品及藥物管理局檢測的設備生產,符
        Formula be taken by people who are allergic to         合良好生產規範。顧客對本產品的質量和安全可絕對有信心。
        Yes. Although astaxanthin is present in shellfish, Prime
        Astaxanthin does not use shellfish as a source of ingredients.
        Prime Astaxanthin uses only AstaREAL astaxanthin, which is
        extracted from cultivated microalgae within indoor facilities —
        a carefully controlled environment.

        Is Prime Astaxanthin Cardio & Visual Vitality Formula
        Prime Astaxanthin Cardio & Visual Vitality Formula is safe and
        free of harmful agents. The product is made in the United
        States in FDA-inspected facilities using Good Manufacturing
        Practices. Customers can have confidence in the quality and
        safety of this product.

        *This product is not registered under Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration.
        This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
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