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Product Name: NutriClean™ Advanced
Fiber Powder 腸道營養纖維粉
HK13279 – Single Canister (28 Servings/Canister)
Primary Benefits: 主要成份:
4 Helps maintain digestive 4 有助保持消化系統健康
4 Supports healthy intestinal 4 鞏固健康腸道功能
function 4 增強免疫力
4 Enhances immunity 4 有助維持正常的腸道內菌
4 Helps maintain proper levels 叢生態
of intestinal microflora
What Makes This Product Unique? 此產品有何獨特之處?
NutriClean™ Advanced Fiber Powder comes in a delicious NutriClean™營康淨腸道營養纖維粉有可口的莓果味道,易
berry flavor and mixes easily with water. It is a blend of soluble 於與水混合。此纖維粉含有水溶纖維、益生菌(probiotics)以
fiber, probiotics and essential intestinal nutrients. The bowel
is the major point of excretion from the digestive system and 及必要的腸道養份。腸道為消化系統中主要的排泄部位,
a major determinant in overall digestive system health. This 亦是消化系統整體健康的主要決定因素。此產品配方所含
blend of fibers and probiotics team up to maintain digestive 的纖維及益生菌相互合作維持消化道健康。因此,美安香港
tract health. So, not only does Market Hong Kong’s NutriClean™ 的NutriClean™營康淨腸道營養纖維粉不單提供高質素的水
Advanced Fiber Powder deliver top-quality soluble fiber, it also
provides beneficial probiotics. The only other place to find 溶性纖維,還提供有益健康的益生菌。除此之外,只有乳酪
such probiotics is in yogurt and kefir. NutriClean™ Advanced 及雪蓮(kefir)才可找到這類益生菌。經過美安公司科學家的
Fiber Powder has been scientifically verified by our in-house 研究證明,NutriClean™營康淨腸道營養纖維粉含有左旋麩
scientists to have a great mixture of L-glutamine, inulin fiber, 醯胺酸L-Glutamine、菊糖纖維(inulin fiber)、水溶性膳食纖維
Fibersol-2™ and probiotic blend. Our probiotic blend supplies Fibersol-2™ 和多種益生菌。本產品的益生菌配方中每一份能提
1.5 billion colony-forming units of friendly bacteria (probiotics)
per serving. 供15億菌落數的益生菌。
Key Ingredients 主要成份
L-Glutamine 左旋麩醯胺酸
High-protein foods, including meat, fish, beans and dairy 含高蛋白質的食物如肉類、魚、豆及奶類產品等都是麩醯胺
products, are excellent sources of glutamine. Glutamine is a 酸的絕佳來源。麩醯胺酸是一種有助恢復健康的胺基酸,是
restorative amino acid that is used by the GI tract as a primary
source of fuel. Glutamine helps to support overall health by 消化道的能源。麩醯胺酸能有助維持正
helping to maintain normal cholesterol levels, blood glucose 常的膽固醇水平、正常的血糖水平及促
levels and promoting immune health. Heavy exercise, infection, 進免疫系統健康,從而支援整體健康。
surgery and trauma can all deplete the body’s glutamine reserves, 大量運動、感染、手術或創傷均能損
particularly in muscle cells. Because the cells of the intestine use 耗人體的麩醯胺酸儲備,尤其是肌肉
glutamine for fuel, supplemental L-glutamine has been used to
promote digestive health. 細胞內的麩醯胺酸。由於腸道細胞使
Inulin Fiber 充品一直被用作促進消化健康。
(fructo-oligosaccharide extract of chicory root)
Inulin fiber is a type of prebiotic fiber. Prebiotics are food
sources that are preferred by friendly bacteria. Inulin or fructo-
oligosaccharides (FOS) are fibers in the form of starches that
the human body cannot fully digest. When a person consumes
prebiotics, the undigested portions provide nourishment
for beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. Inulins may
promote the growth of favorable bacterial populations, such
as bifidobacteria in the colon. Bifidobacteria may inhibit the
growth of pathogenic bacteria.