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and  rejuvenating  the  skin.  Surprising  amounts  of  vitamins   大豆卵磷脂
        and minerals are found in the green barley leaves. Potassium,   大豆卵磷脂是一種能提供豐富膽鹼的磷脂,而膽鹼則是細胞
        calcium,  magnesium,  iron,  copper,  phosphorus,  manganese,
        zinc, beta-carotene, folic acid, pantothenic acid and vitamins   膜的主要成份,對細胞修復非常重要。如果缺乏膽鹼,細胞
        B1, B2, B6, and C, are all nutrients included in the leaves.   膜會變硬,阻礙重要養份進出細胞。大豆卵磷脂維護細胞膜
        Barley Malt
        Barley malt is made from sprouted barley and is a thick, dark,   大麥草
        slow-digesting  sweetener.  Barley  is  the  most  common  malt
        because of its high enzymes, which convert its starch supply   大麥草蘊含豐富的葉綠素,葉綠素被認為擁有某幾種促進
        into  simple  sugars.  Barley  malt  helps  to  normalize  proper   健康的功能。大麥草常見的應用包括改善消化系統、提升能
        bacterial colonization of the colon, which reduces the risk of   量以及更新肌膚。大麥葉含有大量的維他命及礦物質,包括:
        infections and toxin build up. It also has a soothing effect on   鉀、鈣、鎂、鐵、銅、磷、錳、鋅、β-胡蘿蔔素、葉酸、泛酸、維
        the digestive tract.                                   他命B1、B2、B6及維他命C。

        Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica (HSP)
        Spirulina  is  classified  as  a  blue-green  algae  or  blue-green   大麥芽
        bacteria. Spirulina is a rich source of protein that also contains   大麥芽是由發芽的大麥造成,是一種濃稠、深色、消化緩慢
        minerals  and  gamma-linolenic  acid  (GLA).  HSP  naturally   的糖精。在多種麥芽中尤以大麥芽最為常用,因為它含有大
        contains  fatty  acids,  vitamin  B12,  iron,  protein,  and  essential   量酵素,能把其含有的澱粉轉化成簡單的糖份。大麥芽有助
        amino  acids  that  the  body  cannot  produce.  It  also  contains
        chlorophyll and carotenoids, both of which are known for their   結腸細菌聚集正常化,這能減低出現感染的風險或毒素積
        antioxidant properties. HSP also can aid in the maintenance of   聚。大麥芽還給消化道提供舒緩功能。
        the immune system, mineral absorption, and improving energy
        and mood.                                              夏威夷螺旋藻
        Wheat Grass
        Wheat grass is a rich source of chlorophyll, which is believed to   源,它更含有多種礦物質及γ-亞麻酸(GLA) 。  維護  夏威夷
        have health-promoting properties. It can improve and purify   螺旋藻含有天然脂肪酸、維他命B-12、鐵、蛋白質及人體未能
        blood by restoring it to a healthy pH balance. Blood is often   製造的重要氨基酸,它還含有葉綠素及胡蘿蔔素,兩者均因
        too acidic due to diets that contain too many processed foods.   為其抗氧化特質而聞名。夏威夷螺旋藻還能有助免疫系統修
        It also is believed to increase and purify red blood cells and   復、礦物質吸收以改善能量水平及情緒。
        improve  blood  sugar  disorders.  Chlorophyll  has  three  main
        categories  of  benefits,  which  are  purification,  inflammation
        and nourishment. It has an anti-yeast effect in the digestive   小麥草
        tract. It also helps promote intestinal flora.         小麥草是葉綠素的豐富來源,葉綠素被認為擁有多種促進健
        Alfalfa Grass                                          過高,而藉著把血液回復之正常酸鹼度,小麥草據稱能改善
        Alfalfa can help prevent fatigue associated with vitamin and
        mineral deficiency. Alfalfa grass aids in promoting healthy liver   血液質素及淨化血液。此外,小麥草還被認為能淨化紅血球
        function,  relieving  constipation,  improving  breath  and  body   及增加紅血球數量,平衡血糖水平。葉綠素的好處主要有三
        odor  and  supports  the  circulatory  and  respiratory  systems.   方面:淨化、抑制發炎及滋養。葉綠素在消化道有抗酵母作
        Alfalfa is a good laxative and natural diuretic. It alkalizes and   用。葉綠素還協助改善腸道內的菌叢生態。
        detoxifies  the  body,  which  has  a  neutralizing  effect  on  the
        intestinal tract and reduces digestive problems such as upset
        stomach, gastritis and indigestion.                    紫花苜蓿草
        Bee Pollen                                             進健康的肝臟功能、改善便秘、體臭及口氣,並支援循環及
        Pollen  includes  the  male  germ  cells  of  plants,  flowers  and   呼吸系統。紫花苜蓿是一種很好的瀉藥及天然利尿劑,能提
        blossoms  on  trees.  Common  uses  of  bee  pollen  include
        strengthening the immune system, combating fatigue and low   升人體鹼性並為人體排毒,因此能為腸道帶來中和作用,並
        moods, supporting colon health, helping to enhance memory,   舒緩消化問題,如胃部不適、胃炎及消化不良。
        and reducing respiratory infections.  Bee pollen is an excellent
        source of antioxidants.                                蜂花粉
        Frequently Asked Questions                             途為鞏固免疫系統、抵抗疲勞及情緒低落、促進結腸健康、
        What are phytonutrients and where are they found?      協助增進記憶力以及減少呼吸道受感染,蜂花粉是抗氧化物
        The  term  phyto  originated  from  a  Greek  word  meaning
        plant.  Phytonutrients  are  certain  organic  components  of   的絕佳來源。
        plants  that  are  thought  to  promote  human  health.  Fruits,
        vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts and teas are rich sources of   常見問題
        How is taking fiber beneficial to your health?         植物營養英文為phytonutrients,“phyto”源自希臘文,意思
        Fiber is beneficial because it increases dietary bulk and it makes   為植物。植物營養是植物含有的某些有機成份,被認為能促
        you feel full faster. In the digestive tract, it provides bulk because
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