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Heart Health Essential Fish Oil
Heart Health魚油
Single Bottle (60 Servings) Code: HK13850
單瓶裝 (60份) 產品代號︰HK13850
Primary Benefits: 主要好處:
4 May support cardiovascular health 4 或有助支援心血管健康
4 May support normal cognitive health 4 或有助支援正常認知功能健康
4 Helps support healthy blood circulation 4 有助支援健康的血液循環
What Makes Heart Health™ Essential Fish Heart Health™ 魚油有何獨特之處?
Oil Unique? Heart Health魚油是一項品質優良的產品。此產品只採用最
Heart Health Essential Fish Oil is a superior product due to a
number of factors. The best fish are used to produce a clean 及二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)。Heart Health魚油以較細小的魚
and safe product that is rich in eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) 類製成,其他競爭產品則多使用較易積聚毒素的大魚。Heart
and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Heart Health Essential Fish Health魚油是一項優質、高純度的產品,含豐富促進健康的
Oil comes from small fish where other competitive products EPA及DHA。
use large fish, which are more likely to accumulate toxins. Heart
Health Essential Fish Oil provides a high-quality, high-purity
product with significant percentages of the health promoting Heart Health魚油所含的魚油來自秘魯海岸捕獲的鯷魚和
EPA and DHA. 沙甸魚。鯷魚和沙甸魚含有高水平的奧米加3,而且這些奧
The fish oil in Heart Health Essential Fish Oil is from anchovies
and sardines harvested off the coast of Peru. Not only do 較短,較少機會積聚環境毒素,因此是優質的魚油來源;相
anchovies and sardines have high omega-3 content, the 反,較大型、長壽的魚類較易積聚毒素。一般來說,鯷魚和
omega-3 they contain has high percentages of EPA and DHA. 沙甸魚在進行淨化過程前的污染物含量已經很低。每一批
Anchovies and sardines have a short lifecycle; this makes 魚油經我們的製造商加工前均會通過測試,並必須於生產
them an ideal source of fish oil because they are less prone
to accumulating environmental toxins that can be found 過程通過質量檢查。
in larger, longer-lived fish. Contaminants are generally low
in anchovies and sardines even before they go through an 近期研究顯示,魚油或有助支援認知功能。《美國臨床營養
intense purification process. Every batch of fish oil is tested 學雜誌》刊載的文章指,補充魚油顯
prior to processing by our manufacturer and must pass quality
checks during the production process. 示對健康認知和心臟功能有益。研究
Recent research has shown that fish oil may be beneficial in 組織的EPA和DHA水平。此外,研究顯
supporting cognitive health. In an article published in The
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, fish oil supplementation 示DHA有助維持血液循環。臨床研究
was shown to be beneficial for healthy cognitive and cardiac 顯示,魚油提供許多好處,這些好處
functioning. The study shows that supplementing with fish 有效促進心血管健康。
oil daily can rapidly raise the levels of EPA and DHA in cardiac
tissue. In addition, DHA has been shown to help maintain
blood circulation. Fish oils have been clinically demonstrated
to provide a host of benefits that successfully promote
cardiovascular health.
An unhealthy diet of processed, high-calorie, high-fat foods;
pollution; smoking and sedentary lifestyles all contribute
to poor heart health. Not smoking, maintaining a healthy
weight, eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains,
exercising regularly and taking the right supplements can all
contribute to promoting good cardiovascular health. Clinical