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terms of absorption and retention in the body. The natural form 自然形式的維他命E在體內吸收與保持能力較佳。我們使用的
of alpha-tocopherol is known as d-alpha tocopherol, which is 配方就是採用自然形式的維他命α-生育酚,或稱為右旋維他
what we use in our Isotonix Multivitamin.
Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is naturally found in organ meats,
liver, beef, pork, eggs, whole milk, cheese, whole-wheat bread 維他命B12:維他命B12,可以在內臟、肝臟、牛肉、豬肉、
and fish. It is essential that vegetarians consume a vitamin B12 蛋類、全脂牛奶、乳酪、全麥麵包和魚類獲得。對於素食者而
supplement to maintain optimal health. Vitamin B12, when 言,服用維他命B12以維持最佳健康狀態是很必要的。維他命
ingested, is stored in the liver and other tissues for later use. B12在消化時,會被儲存到肝臟和其他組織,以利日後使用。
Vitamin B12 participates in the metabolism of energy and helps 維他命B12參與能量代謝,能維護皮膚健康。
maintain skin health.
B Vitamins (B1, Nicotinamide, Pantothenate, Biotin): 維他命B群(B1、菸鹼胺、泛酸、生物素):維他命B群主要
The B vitamins are largely found in meats, beans, cereals, eggs, 存在於肉類、豆類、穀類、蛋、堅果、種籽和啤酒酵母。維他
nuts, seeds and brewer’s yeast. Vitamin B1 participates in the 命B1參與能量代謝過程。菸鹼胺參與能量代謝,同時維護健
energy metabolism. It helps maintain the proper function of the 康的皮膚、神經與消化系統。泛酸與生物素參與能量代謝。它
neuro and cardiovascular systems. Nicotinamide participates in 們也參與脂肪和膽固醇的組成過程,並且幫助胺基酸代謝。
energy metabolism. It also helps maintain healthy skin, neuro
and digestive systems. Pantothenate and biotin participate in
the metabolism of energy. They also participate in the formation 葉酸:葉酸主要存在於水果和蔬菜。葉酸可以提升維他命
of fat and cholesterol and aid in the metabolism of amino acids. B12補充物的益處。這二種維他命B協力合作,維護正常的紅
Folic Acid: Folic acid is mainly found in fruits and vegetables. 的組成過程。它也幫助維護胎兒的正常成長與發展。
Folic acid plays a key role by boosting the benefits of B12
supplementation. These two B vitamins join forces and work
together in maintaining normal red blood cells. Folic acid is 維他命B2:維他命B2存在於肝臟、乳製品、深綠色蔬菜和
a component of coenzymes. It participates in the formation 某些種類的海鮮。維他命B2作為輔酵素,和其他的維他命B協
of nucleic acid and nucleic protein. It also helps maintain the 同作用。維他命B2參與能量代謝,並且維護皮膚健康。
normal growth and development of the fetus.
Vitamin B2: Vitamin B2 is found in liver, dairy products, 維他命B6:維他命B6的主要飲食來源是家禽、魚類、全穀
dark green vegetables and some types of seafood. Vitamin B2 類和香蕉。維他命B6是一種輔因子,參與蛋白質和胺基酸的
serves as a coenzyme, working with other B vitamins. Vitamin 代謝轉化,並且幫助維持適當的體液平衡。維他命B6參與胺
B2 participates in energy metabolism and helps maintain skin 基酸的代謝。維他命B6有助維護健康的紅血球細胞及神經
Vitamin B6: Poultry, fish, whole grains and bananas are the
main dietary sources of Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is a co factor 碘:碘的來源是海鮮及加碘食鹽。碘有助維持正常成長與
required for protein and amino acid metabolism and helps 發展。
maintain proper fluid balance. It participates in the metabolism
of amino acids. Vitamin B6 helps maintain healthy red blood cells
and the neurological system. 銅:銅是人類食物營養中必要的微量礦物質,它對一系列維
Iodine: Iodine is found in most seafood and in iodized salt. 種籽、豆類、榖類的麩皮及胚芽部分、肝臟、腎臟、貝類海
Iodine helps maintain normal growth and development. 鮮、蠔和甲殼海鮮。一些實驗性質的報告指出,缺乏銅的人補
Copper: An essential trace mineral in human nutrition, copper
is important for a wide range of biochemical processes that
are necessary for the maintenance of good health. Foods that 鉻:鉻是必要的微量礦物質,能夠幫助身體構成葡萄糖耐量
include the richest sources of copper are nuts, seeds, legumes, 因子(GTF),維護正常的葡萄糖代謝、胰島素水準、調節血糖
the bran and germ portions of grains, liver, kidneys, shellfish, 值的活動以及控制食量。鉻幫助維護血液中血糖、膽固醇和
oysters and crustaceans. There are experimental indications that 其他油脂的健康值。鉻天然存在於某些啤酒酵母、穀類加工
suggest that copper supplementation may have some beneficial
effects on immunity for those with copper deficiency. 食品、西蘭花、梅乾、菇類、啤酒、香料、紅糖、咖啡、茶、葡萄
Chromium: Chromium is a vital trace mineral that forms part
of a compound in the body known as glucose tolerance factor 鋅:鋅大多存在於營養強化的穀類加工食品、紅肉、蛋、家禽
(GTF), which is involved in supporting healthy insulin levels and 和蠔等海鮮。鋅是多種酵素和蛋白質的組成物。鋅是一種重
activity in regulating blood sugar levels and, possibly, in helping
to control appetite. Chromium also aids in glucose metabolism 要的微量礦物質,參與三百多種不同的酵素反應。因此,鋅支
and maintaining healthy levels of cholesterol and other lipids in 援幾乎所有的生化路徑和生理過程。體內超過90%的鋅都儲
the blood. Chromium is found in small amounts in many foods. 存於骨骼和肌肉,但是幾乎所有的身體組織也能發現鋅。鋅
Food sources of chromium include brewer’s yeast, whole-grain 參與核酸和蛋白質組成,以及能量代謝。
cereals, broccoli, prunes, mushrooms, beer, spices, brown sugar,
coffee, tea, wine and meat products.