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constituent  of  bones  and  teeth,  calcium  is  crucial  for  muscle   視黃醇、視黃醛和β胡蘿蔔素等複合物家族的成員。β胡蘿蔔
        contraction,  nerve  conduction,  cardiovascular  health,  blood   素是維他命A原,在體內會轉變成維他命A。維他命A促進眼
        coagulation, glandular secretion, the production of energy and   睛對於光線的敏感度。維他命A支援上皮組織的正常功能,並
        the maintenance of immune function, among other things.
        Magnesium: Refined and processed foods are generally quite   成長與發展。
        low in magnesium. Some surveys report lower intakes, and some
        believe  that  the  dietary  intake  for  many  may  be  inadequate.   鈣:鈣質是重要的礦物質,具有許多生物功能。鈣質主要是以
        Magnesium  is  a  component  of  the  mineralized  part  of  bone   氫氧基磷灰石的形式 (hydroxyapatite,Ca10 (PO4)6 (OH)2) 存在
        and is necessary for the metabolism of potassium and calcium   於骨骼之中。氫氧基磷灰石大約佔骨骼重量40%。骨骼明顯需
        in  adults.  It’s  also  important  for  the  mobilization  of  calcium,
        transporting it inside the cell for further utilization. Together with   要補充鈣質,而且骨骼也是鈣質的儲藏室。除了是骨頭和牙齒
        sodium, potassium and calcium. It supports the normal function   的主要組成物之外,鈣質也能夠維護正常肌肉收縮、神經傳
        of heart, muscles and nerves.                          導、心血管健康、血液凝結、腺體分泌、能量製造和維護健康
        Manganese: The most valuable dietary sources of manganese
        include whole grains, nuts, leafy vegetables and teas. Manganese
        is concentrated in the bran of grains, which is removed during   鎂:經過加工的食物基本上的鎂含量都很低。有調查報告指
        processing. Only trace amounts of this element can be found   出,低攝取量或透過飲食攝取鎂是不足夠的。鎂是骨骼構造
        in  human  tissue.  Manganese  is  predominantly  stored  in  the   的必需礦物質,也是成人體內鉀和鈣代謝作用不可或缺的元
        bones, liver, kidney and pancreas. Manganese is a component   素。鎂也能提升鈣的調動,在細胞內輸送並且加以利用。鎂
        of  the  antioxidant  enzyme  manganese  superoxide  dismutase   與鈉、鉀和鈣協同支援心臟、肌肉與神經的正常功能。

        Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a rather fragile vitamin and can be easily   錳:錳最佳的飲食來源包含全穀類、堅果、葉菜和茶。錳存在
        destroyed by cooking or exposure of food to oxygen. Vitamin C   於穀糠,但穀糠常在加工過程中去除。只有微量的錳存在於
        promotes a vitamin “sparing” effect, allowing your body to better   人體組織中。錳主要儲存於骨骼、肝臟、腎臟和胰臟。錳是抗
        utilize multiple vitamins and minerals such as thiamin, riboflavin,   氧化酵素「含錳超氧歧解酶」(MnSOD)的成份。
        pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid, B12, retinaldehyde and alpha-
        tocopherol and in this case, the mineral calcium. It helps with the
        formation of collagen. Vitamin C helps maintain the tightness of   維他命C:維他命C是相當脆弱的維他命,營養價值很容易在
        the cell arrangement. It participates in the oxidation-reduction   烹煮過程或曝露於氧氣而受到傷害。維他命C能促進維他命
        reaction in the body. It supports the growth of connective tissue,   的「節約」效果,讓身體能夠更加利用多種維他命和礦物質,
        bones and teeth. Vitamin C improves the absorption of iron.  例如:硫胺素、核黃素、泛酸、生物素、葉酸、B12、A醛和α-生
        The most convincing evidence suggesting the need for vitamin C
        supplementation is based on the fact that humans are incapable   排列的緊密度。它參與了體內的氧化還原反應。它也支援結締
        of producing vitamin C in their bodies. Since it is water-soluble,   組織、骨骼與牙齒的成長。維他命C提升鐵質吸收能力。
        vitamin C is flushed from the body each day. Since humans don’t
        always eat foods containing an adequate amount of vitamin C, it   人體需要補充維他命C最有說服力的原因在於:人類無法在
        often is beneficial to take a supplement.
        Vitamin D3: Regular sunlight exposure is the main way that   至體外。因為人類無法一直食用含有充足維他命C的食物,所
        most humans get their vitamin D3. Food sources of vitamin D3   以服用維他命C補充品相當有益。
        include vitamin D3-fortified milk (100 IU per cup), cod liver oil,
        and fatty fish such as salmon, and small amounts are found in   維他命D3:大多數人類獲得維他命D3的主要途徑就是定期
        egg yolks and liver.                                   的日曬。維他命D3的食物來源有增添維他命D3的牛奶(每杯

        Vitamin D3 helps with the absorption and utilization of calcium   100  IU)、鱈魚肝油和鮭魚等含有大量脂肪的魚類。蛋黃和肝
        and phosphorus. It helps with the growth and development of   臟也含有少量維他命D3。
        teeth and bones. It helps maintain normal levels of calcium in
        the blood. Vitamin D3 also helps to maintain the normal function   維他命D3可以幫助鈣質和磷的吸收和利用。它幫助牙齒與骨
        of nerves and muscles, and helps with calcification of bones.  骼的成長與發展。維他命D3也幫助維護血液中鈣的正常水
        Vitamin E: Vitamin E is one of the most powerful fat-soluble
        antioxidants in the body, and it helps protect cell membranes   骨骼的鈣化。
        from  the  damage  caused  by  free  radicals.  Vitamin  E  is  an
        antioxidant  that  is  linked  to  the  enhancement  of  immune   維他命E:維他命E是體內最有效的脂溶性抗氧化物之一,維
        system function and topical wound healing. Vitamin E also helps   他命E保護細胞膜免於自由基的傷害,它能增強免疫功能及
        support  a  healthy  cardiovascular  system.  The  most  valuable   外傷的痊癒。維他命E也能幫助支持心血管健康。維他命E最
        sources of dietary vitamin E include vegetable oils, margarine,
        nuts, seeds, avocados and wheat germ.                  佳的飲食來源有蔬菜油、人造牛油、堅果、種籽、牛油果和小
        Vitamin  E  is  actually  a  family  of  related  compounds  called
        tocopherol and tocotrienols. Vitamin E is available in a natural   維他命E和生育醇   (tocopherols)與三烯生育醇(tocotrienols)
        or synthetic form. With Vitamin E, the natural form is far more in
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