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Bacillus coagulans (Lactospore™) 常見問題
Bacillus coagulans is a lactic acid bacillus preparation 甚麼是消化酵素?
manufactured and distributed by the Sabinsa Corporation.
Fermented milks have been a part of the human diet since 消化酵素是特殊的催化蛋白質,有助你的身體分解
ancient times. Their efficacy in alleviating gastrointestinal 食物,吸收食物裡的各種營養。可惜,食物本身的消
disorders has been exploited in systems of traditional 化酵素對熱力非常敏感,通常一經加熱就無法發揮
medicine the world over. Lactic acid bacteria, the 作用。人體可能無法利用很多食物原本含有的天然酵
indigenous microbial flora in fermented milks and natural 素,因此難以分解並吸收食物。雖然人體缺乏天然酵
inhabitants of the human gastrointestinal tract, were
thought to be responsible for the longevity of their hosts. 素仍然可消化食物,但這卻會為你的身體帶來額外壓
The role of lactic acid bacteria in gastrointestinal 人體補充消化酵素,並使身體原有消化酵素和益菌的
microecology has been the subject of extensive research. 功效發揮至最大。
It is widely believed that these bacteria prevent the growth
of putrefactive microorganisms responsible for ill health by
competitive inhibition, the generation of a non-conducive 我們的生活和飲食方式不斷變化。如果從過去25年來
acidic environment and/or by the production of bacteriocins. 看這些變化,很多變化未必是好的改變。為了延長有效
Their metabolites may include B group vitamins. 期,越來越多食品經過加工和加熱處理,以致食品本身
Frequently Asked Questions 全」食用,越來越多食品經過加工,但很多情況下會令
What are digestive enzymes? 食品不利人體健康。換句話說,與幾年前比較,我們的
Digestive enzymes are special catalytic proteins that 身體需要更多工作才可吸收相同的營養。Isotonix®消化
help your body break down food to utilize the complete 酵素沖飲-檸檬青檸味助你身體補充有效吸收食物營
spectrum of nutrients in the food we eat. Unfortunately,
food enzymes, which are sensitive to heat, are usually 養所需的重要酵素和益菌。
inactivated when food is cooked to serve. This leaves your
body with the challenge of trying to break down foods for 甚麼是酵素?
absorption into your system with no help from the natural 酵素是我們細胞的驅動力,是催化體內數以千計生化
enzymes that would otherwise be present in many of
the foods we eat. While your body can break down 反應的蛋白質。大部份酵素在細胞內產生作用,而消化
foods with no help, it may put additional strain on your 酵素則在腸胃道細胞外起作用。
system. Isotonix® Digestive Enzyme Powder Drink Lemon-
Lime Flavor acts to supplement and maximize the activity of 從唾液腺分泌消化酵素到我們口腔時,消化活動就開
the body’s own enzymes and the “friendly” bacteria our 始了。腸胃道細胞亦會產生酵素,例如胃蛋白酵素。此
bodies need in an easy-to-take, pleasant-tasting drink.
Our lifestyles and diets are constantly changing. If the last
25 years are any indication, these changes are not usually 這些酵素有助分解蛋白質,讓身體充分消化來自植物和動物
for the best. Foods that would otherwise offer us their own 的蛋白質,同時分解澱粉、乳糖、脂肪及核酸(DNA和RNA)。
added enzymes to help our bodies absorb more nutrients
are increasingly processed, heated for extended shelf life 這樣食物就可被更完全消化,促進更好的營養吸收。
and stripped of vital elements. The problem is that in
making increasing numbers of foods “safe” for ingestion, Isotonix®消化酵素沖飲-檸檬青檸味提供的天然植物酵
we are in some cases making foods less healthy for our 素遇到胃酸時不會失去活性。即是說,所補充的酵素可
systems. This means our bodies now need to work harder 與被消化的食物混合並協助消化,同時配合人體原有
to absorb the same nutritional content as it may have just
a few years ago. Isotonix® Digestive Enzyme Powder Drink 的消化酵素,讓人體盡可能從食物吸取最多的營養。
Lemon-Lime Flavor helps your body replenish all the essential
enzymes and “good” bacteria necessary for maximum 甚麼是益生菌?
absorption of nutrients from the food we eat. 益生菌是有益的微生物,可促進健康的消化道環境,亦
What are enzymes? 有助支援人體維持正常的消化功能。這些有益的細菌有
Enzymes are the workhorses of our cells. They are proteins 助吸收維他命和礦物質,並能合成某些維他命,例如生
that catalyze many thousands of biochemical reactions 物素和維他命K。此外,這些益菌有助將纖維和未消化的
in the body. While most enzymes work inside our cells, 澱粉分解為單糖,而單糖可為大腸內的細胞提供能量。
digestive enzymes operate outside the cells in the
gastrointestinal tract.
The start of digestion begins with digestive enzymes 不是所有細菌都有害的。事實上,如果沒有益菌,食物便
secreted by salivary gland cells into our mouths. Cells lining 不能被消化。Isotonix®消化酵素沖飲-檸檬青檸味含有
the gastrointestinal tract also contribute enzymes, such as 稱為芽孢乳酸菌的益生菌,可有助補充因服用抗生素而
pepsin in the stomach. In addition, digestive enzymes are 減少的益菌。這有助補充大腸內的益菌,並減少害菌。
produced in the pancreas and are emptied into the upper
part of the small intestine.